Inspired by childhood trips to the National Air and Space Museum, Stebbins now works on pushing the boundaries of hypersonics in aircraft.
Alumni, faculty, staff, and friends marked the milestone, engaging with students and envisioning the future
The professorship
supports enhanced research specialization in areas related to rotorcraft.
Award recognizes her contributions to NASA Langley’s flight vehicle dynamics research and digital transformation activities.
Augmented reality, haptics combine to create immersive aviation experiences.
Aerospace Engineering alumna Pauline Annen (M.S., ’12) has built a successful career in corporate aviation as both a pilot and engineer.
Department of Aerospace Engineering Chair Alison Flatau shares some of her aerospace engineering journey.
AIAA honors longtime professor for seminal schievements.
As a kid, Jose Mondragon was fascinated by “awesome, out-of-this-world” technology, Today he helps engineer it.
Alison Flatau has been named the new chair of aerospace engineering at UMD.
Inspired by NASA rocket launches as a child, Petro now directs Cornell’s ASTRA Lab.
Inspired by space exploration since childhood, Westbrook is now an engineer with the Europa Clipper mission.
Students complete final presentations to earn “Honors Citation.”
Undergraduate and graduate students take top spots at AIAA’s Region 1 Young Professionals, Students, and Educators Conference.
Student organization celebrates five years of accomplishments during 2019 WIAA Night.
Baras honored for his technical contributions and commercialization leadership of Internet over satellite, hybrid satellites, and terrestrial networks.
IEEE Magnetics Society Names Flatau 2018 Distinguished Lecturer
Two B.S. 2014 UMD aerospace engineering alums, Cory Frontin and Spencer Stebbins, receive NASA fellowships.
Aerospace Engineering Professor recognized for contributions to the field of smart structures and materials.
Aerospace Engineering grad students Shrestha and Geerts place first and second at 2015 AIAA YPSE Region 1 competition.
Professor Alison Flatau promoted to Fellow for years of AIAA service and academic and research excellence.
UMD students placed in both presentations and paper categories at the 14
th AIAA YPSE Conference.
Senior Lauren Trollinger awarded a Women in Aerospace (WIA) Foundation—American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Digital Avionics Scholarship.
Aerospace Engineering Student Rose Weinstein Receives a LARSS internship.
15 Aerospace Engineering faculty were recognized for their research and scholarly achievements.
15 Department of Aerospace Engineering's faculty honored for successful research funding efforts.
Aerospace Engineering grad student Andrew Becnel to receive Alex Brown Leadership Award.
Research will further performance capabilities of costly single-crystal alloys in low-cost polycrystalline alloys.
Research will provide data for whether glaucoma patients who do not sleep lying down are at a greater risk for vision loss.
U-Md. startup Tauros Engineering wins top spot in 17th annual Harvard New Venture Completion
26th annual awards ceremony honors most promising campus inventions.
Clark School Associate Dean of Research honored for scholarship and engineering excellence
10 AE Faculty Represent Department at Research Leaders Luncheon
Grivel and Jones, Graduating Seniors, Receive NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
New NSF-funded UM program seeks to advance women faculty in science, engineering.
Dr. Flatau Receives Aerospace Educator Award
Aerospace, mechanical engineering students receive premier award for undergraduates.
Dr. Alison Flatau to Receive Major Award at 2010 SPIE Symposium
Dr. Alison Flatau Appointed Interim Associate Dean of Research
AIAA Membership Upgrades for Flatau and Sedwick
Dr. Flatau is the 2009 recipient of the Clark School Faculty Service Award
The John D. Anderson Scholarship in Aerospace Engineering Awarded to McNerney & Woodside.
Supratik Datta receives AIAA Foundation Orville and Wilbur Wright Award
International and local AIAA organizations announce awards
L’Oreal USA Fellowship for Women in Science Awarded to Alumna
Aerospace graduate student, Datta is honored with three awards
Levashov's Hardware Study Named by Honors Program as a Best Paper
Madeline Kirk announced as first recipient of Anderson Scholarship in Aerospace Engineering
Aerospace Students Sweep Undergraduate Category at AIAA Regional Conference
Anderson Scholarship in Aerospace Engineering 'Call for Papers' Announced
Aerospace Graduate and Undergraduate students take home awards.
Dr. Flatau is elected as a Fellow of ASME