What you should do first:

  • Sign up for your UMD directory ID and email. 

  • If you need access to a lab via key or keycard, complete and submit the key request form with your advisor's signature. 
    Submit this form as soon as possible to ensure your key or card access is granted before the start of the semester.

  • Fill out required Human Resource Paperwork and submit it to the Aerospace Engineering Payroll Coordinator.

  • Review the Graduate Student Guide. This handbook covers all of the graduate policies and procedures in the Department fo Aerospace Engineering.

  • Meet with your advisor. You can find our full faculty list online

  • Register for courses via Testudo after getting your directory ID.
    Find information about classes on the Aero website for current graduate student.
    *Be aware of the add/drop deadlines.

    • Failure to register can result in cancellation of your enrollment at the University.

    • Contact the department if you ever have questions about if you should register.

    • Review the University's Continuous Registration Policy.

  • Get your Graduate Student Picture ID from the Mitchell Building (near the big M on Campus Drive). 
    They are open 8:30am-4:30pm Monday through Friday. You can use the ID to get discounts at the Stamp Student Union.
    Note: You are not officially considered a student until you register for at least one course. The ID office will not issue you an ID unless you have registered for at least one course.

  • Order books for your classes. You can find them in the University Book Center in the Union, Bookholders on Route 1, and online stores such as Amazon.com or Half.com.

    Send in your final B.S. or M.S. transcripts to the Graduate School (2123 Lee Building). Official transcripts can be delivered electronically or in person and must be unsealed. You will not be permitted to register for classes your second semester if  you do not do so.

  • Pay any student account balances online via the Student Financial Services and Cashiering Portal. Note: Electronic check payments (known as e-Check or ACH) from your checking or savings account are accepted online at no charge. You enter your bank routing number and account numbers to pay via e-Check. VISA, MasterCard, American Express and Discover are accepted online only with a 2.85% service fee. Credit cards, Debit cards, and Cash are not accepted in person at the Cashier's Office.

  • Fill out your immunization form and give it to the Health Center. The form is required for you to sign up for second semester classes.

  • Update your contact information in Testudo. The University may mail important documents - so make sure it’s a local address!

  • Review this entire website, including the policies and procedures. Write down any questions you may have.

Next steps:

  • Obtain a Parking Permit if needed.
    Parking permits are available through the Transportation Services website. Be sure to register your car or bike. Also be sure to read the parking policy for athletic events, since you may need a backup plan for parking on game days.

  • Graduate student housing can be found via the Office of Off-Campus Housing or UMD's Graduate Gardens or Graduate Hills. There are also many student-based apartment complexes along Route 1.
