What is the JET Program?

JET is a summer program administered by the Department of Aerospace Engineering and supported by the Clark School of Engineering.  The primary purpose of JET is to help ease the transition for Maryland external transfer students from area community colleges and get them on a 2-year track to completing their B.S. in Aerospace Engineering.  They receive financial support to pay for a required 200 level ENAE course which is not offered at community colleges, and they take a non-credit course tailored to help them adjust to the department and UMD.

The JET program is only available to transfer students who have been admitted to the A. James Clark School of Engineering for the fall semester and must be completed the summer prior to their fall enrollment.

The JET program is funded by the Summer Pathways Scholarship through the Clark School of Engineering.  Therefore, all JET students must apply and receive a Summer Pathways Scholarship to be considered for the JET program.

Students interested in participating in the Summer Pathways JET Program must meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • Apply and receive a Summer Pathways Scholarship through the Clark School of Engineering
  • Must be transferring from a Maryland state community college
  • Must earn the minimum passing grade in the coruse (C- or higher unless otherwise noted)
  • Already completed all required 100 and 200 level coursework (see Completing the Aerospace Engineering Major)
  • Must be admitted for the upcoming fall semester to A. James Clark School of Engineering with declared major of aerospace engineering
  • Must successfully matriculate and enroll in the University of Maryand for the upcoming fall semester.
  • SUMM071: The Aerospace Engineering Profession
    • 0 credit intro course designed specifically for transfer students
    • Introduction to labs, department, policies, resources, etc. Small-scale research project and presentation.
  • ENAE283: Introduction to Aerospace Systems
    • 3 credit course
    • Introduction to airplanes and space vehicles as aerospace systems. Fundamentals that describe these systems. Elements of aerodynamics, airfoils and wings. Airplane performance, stability and control. Aircraft and rocket propulsion. Fundamentals of orbital motion. Aspects of vehicle conceptual design.
  • Subsidized summer tuition expense through the Summer Pathways Scholarship through the Clark School of Engineering.

If you have questions about the JET program &/or are interested in participating in the program, please contact Aileen Hentz at anhentz@umd.edu.


Completing the Aerospace Engineering Major in Two Years

Transfer students who wish to complete the aerospace major within 2 years once they are admitted to UMD must also transfer in all the following UMD course equivalents:


PHYS260 & 261
PHYS270 & 271

MATH240 OR 461

To view course equivalents at your institution, visit UMD's Transfer Course Database or ARTSYS.

*Complete ENAE202 before transferring!

We encourage students to complete this requirement at their local institution if possible. We may accept a combination of a programming class (C/C++) together with an Engineering Computation course (Matlab-based) from a community college as equivalent to ENAE202. Students should contact Aileen Hentz anhentz@umd.edu for questions regarding course equivalency.

** ENAE283 is not available at the majority of community colleges. It is offered at UMD during the summer (component of the JET program).

Note: ENAE202 and ENAE283 must be completed before receiving permission to enroll in any junior-level aerospace courses. If these courses are not completed prior to starting your Aerospace degree at UMD, students should expect to take at least 3 years to complete their degree.  There is another course, ENAE200, which is 1 credit and can be completed spring of junior year.
