AEROS Program


Aerospace Engineering Research Opportunity Scholars (AEROS) was created in February 2013 as a means of expanding the mission of the John Anderson Scholarship. The Aerospace Engineering Research Opportunity Scholars (AEROS) Program provides funding support for rising juniors and seniors (current sophomores and juniors) interested in spending the summer working closely with faculty on scholarly research projects.

Students who have successful applications to the AEROS Scholars program have typically had a GPA greater than 3.2, but any Aerospace Engineering undergraduate student with a strong motivation and/or aptitute for research, along with a referral from a faculty advisor in Aerospace Engineering may apply. 

Undergraduate students will earn $4,800 to work on their summer research project.

Payment works as follows: The AEROS Scholars program is a cost share program intended to provide support to students who are not otherwise receiving compensation for their summer research.   The AEROS program pays students $3,000 and the student's faculty research mentor pays $1,800 for a total of $4,800.

The primary goals of the AEROS program include engaging students in research and scholarship and facilitating student and faculty interaction. As part of the program, students and research advisors will be invited to participate in events designed to foster a support network as the Scholars engage in their research projects. At the end of the summer, students are expected to give a brief presentation highlighting their summer research accomplishments and future goals.

Apply to the AEROS Program
  • Declared aerospace engineering major
  • Preference for rising juniors and seniors
  • Must be able to work full-time over the summer (40 hours per week, or 8 hours/day M-F during regular business hours) on their research project
  • At the end of the 8 week program, students must give a brief presentation highlighting summer research accomplishments and future goals

Any questions regarding the AEROS program can be directed to

  • An updated student resume
  • A project description describing your project, research objectives, technical approach, and expected results
  • Written confirmation from your faculty mentor acknowledging cost share commitment

Any questions regarding the AEROS program can be directed to