Faculty Directory

Xu, Huan

Xu, Huan

Associate Professor
Aerospace Engineering
The Institute for Systems Research
Maryland Robotics Center
3180 Glenn L. Martin Hall

Huan Xu is jointly appointed in the Institute for Systems Research and the Department of Aerospace Engineering. She received her S.B. degree in mechanical engineering and material science from Harvard University in 2007, M.S. and Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from the California Institute of Technology in 2008 and 2013, respectively. Her doctoral work focused on the use of formal methods and timed specification languages in the design and analysis of large-scale, complex, distributed control systems.


  • Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, June 2013
  • M.S., Mechanical and Civil Engineering, June 2008
  • S.B., Mechanical and Materials Sciences and Engineering, Harvard University, June 2007


Control and dynamical systems, formal methods with applications in autonomy, planning, and system identification. Specification, design, and synthesis of networked control systems

Short Course Offers Opportunity to Build and Fly Drones

How to Build, Fly, and Verify Autonomous Aerial Systems held in Southern Maryland

New short course focuses on drones

"How to Build, Fly, and Verify Autonomous Aerial Systems" to be held by the MATRIX Lab and UROC this summer

Maryland Engineers Awarded Grants to Address Humanity's Grand Challenges

Twelve projects led by or involving Maryland Engineering faculty have been awarded funding through the Grand Challenges Grants Program, the largest and most comprehensive program of its kind ever introduced at the University of Maryland.

New algorithms for multi-robot systems in low communication situations

Work by Clark School faculty, alumni and students is published on IEEE Access.

Work on the future of regulating autonomous systems published in IEEE Access

Regulatory approaches for autonomous systems should be based on preexisting complex system regulatory frameworks.

“An Opportunity to Conduct Novel Research”

Three UAS Test Site summer interns put their innovative ideas to the test.

Newly-Opened SMART Building to Spur Autonomy Research

Maryland engineering will benefit from state-of-the-art labs and facilities at USMSM.

Xu, Castano Recognized for Work on UAS Collision Avoidance

UMD professor, affiliate research scientist win AIAA awards. 

Completing a Doctorate—Aboard an Aircraft Carrier

Navy Commander Donald Costello’s research could aid the drone certification process.

Maryland Graduate Engineering Ranked #10 Public in the Nation

From extreme batteries to windows made from wood, Clark School’s trendsetting work ranks it among the country’s Top 10 public engineering schools for the 3rd consecutive year.

Search Initiated for New Clark School Dean

A national search has been initiated for a new Dean of the A. James Clark School of Engineering.

Equipping Drones to Recover When Things Go Wrong

Flight safety software developed by University of Maryland researchers can help unmanned aircraft respond to anomalies, malfunctions, and collision risks.

New hazard mitigation software moves UAVs closer to National Airspace System integration

New module by Huan Xu and associates can reduce UAV maximum casualty expectation by 97 percent.

Student autonomous drone racing team takes 2nd place at IROS

'TurboTerps' flew their drone autonomously through a set of gates, completing 14 runs in 4:42.

Clark School team wins AFRL funding for swarm autonomy planning and metareasoning

The researchers will develop and evaluate hybrid centralized and decentralized multi-agent task allocation methods.

Hopping Over Traffic

Joint project aims to design an air taxi that could “hop” from Baltimore to D.C. in 15 minutes.

Maryland students place third in autonomous drone race

The team competed at the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems in Madrid.

UMD Team's Autonomous Drone Takes 3rd in International Race

The "Maryland Paratroopers" team included students from the A. James Clark School of Engineering and the Department of Computer Science.

Maryland researchers awarded DARPA cooperative agreement to develop robotic swarm strategies

Maryland's is among the first “core swarm sprints” projects awarded in DARPA’s OFFensive Swarm-Enabled Tactics (OFFSET) program.

Huan Xu to become tenure-track assistant professor

Xu’s research interests lie in control and dynamical systems and formal methods with applications in autonomy, cyberphysical systems, and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).