Laurence, Stuart J.
Aerospace Engineering
3179 Glenn L. Martin Hall
- Ph.D., California Institute of Technology (Aeronautics)
- M.S., California Institute of Technology (Aeronautics)
- B.Sc. (Hons.), The University of Auckland (Applied Mathematics)
- B.Sc./B.A., The University of Auckland (Conjoint, Physics and Philosophy)
- High-speed aerodynamics and aerothermodynamics
- High-speed multiphase flows
- High-temperature gas dynamics
- Supersonic combustion and propulsion
- Naturally-occurring hypersonic flows; meteoritics
- Experimental fluid dynamics; optical and visualization-based measurement techniques
- Laminar-turbulent transition in hypersonic boundary layers
- HIgh-altitude flow-disturbance measurements
L. A. Paquin, A. Hameed, N. J. Parziale, and S. J. Laurence, “An event-based investigation into wavepacket development in high-enthalpy boundary layers,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 983:A36, 2024
C. E. Sousa, R. E. Kennedy, R. A. King, B. F. Bathel, J. M. Weisberger, and S. J. Laurence, “Global analysis of nonlinear second-mode analysis in a Mach-6 boundary layer from high-speed schlieren data,” Experiments in Fluids, 65:19, 2024
G. I. Gillespie and S. J. Laurence, “Attenuation of the acoustic noise radiated by a compressible boundary layer through injection of a vibrationally active gas,” Experiments in Fluids, 65:18, 2024
- L. A. Paquin, S. N. Skinner and S. J. Laurence, "Hypersonic Boundary-Layer Disturbances on a Cooled, Slender Cone at Mach 6", Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 60(2):533-544, 2023
- G. I. Gillespie, A. P. Ceruzzi and S. J. Laurence, "A multi-point focused laser differential interferometer for characterizing freestream disturbances in hypersonic wind tunnels", Experiments in Fluids, 63:180, 2022
- C. S. Butler and S. J. Laurence, "Transitional hypersonic flow over slender cone/flare geometries", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 949:A37, 2022
- D. A. Buchta, S. J. Laurence and T. A. Zaki, "Assimilation of wall-pressure measurements in high-speed flow over a cone", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 947:R2, 2022
- R. Kennedy, J. Jewell, P. Paredes and S. J. Laurence, "Characterization of instability mechanisms on sharp and blunt slender cones at Mach 6", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 936:A39, 2022
- W. C. Starshak and S. J. Laurence, "Computer-Graphics-Based Optical Tracking for Hypersonic Free-Flight Experiments", AIAA Journal, 59(12): 4955-4968, 2021.
- S. J. Laurence, H. Ozawa, J. Martinez Schramm, and K. Hannemann, "Combined combustion and heat-flux measurements on a supersonic jet-in-crossflow configuration using luminescent paint", Experiments in Fluids, 62:154, 2021
- C. S. Butler and S. J. Laurence, "Interaction of second-mode wave packets with an axisymmetric expansion corner", Experiments in Fluids, 62:140, 2021
- T. J. Whalen and S. J. Laurence, "Experiments on the separation of sphere clusters in hypersonic flow", Experiments in Fluids, 62:70, 2021
- C. S. Butler and S. J. Laurence, "Interaction of second-mode disturbances with an incipiently separated compression-corner flow", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 913, 2021
- C. Sousa, R. Deiterding, and S. J. Laurence, "Dynamics of a spherical body shedding from a hypersonic ramp. Part 1. Inviscid flow", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 906:A28, 2021
- C. Butler, T. Whalen, C. Sousa, and S. J. Laurence, "Dynamics of a spherical body shedding from a hypersonic ramp. Part 2. Viscous flow", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 906:A29, 2021
- N. Shumway, M. Gabryszuk, and S. J. Laurence. "The impact of dragonfly wing deformations on aerodynamic performance during forward flight", Bioinspiration and Biomimetics, 15(2):026005, 2020
- M. Freydin, E. Dowell, T. Whalen, and S. J. Laurence, "A theoretical computational model of a plate in hypersonic flow", Journal of Fluids and Structures, 93:102858, 2020
- B. F. Bathel, J. M. Weisberger, G. C. Herring, R. A. King, S. B. Jones, R. E. Kennedy, and S. J. Laurence, "Two-point, parallel-beam focused laser differential interferometry with a Nomarski prism", Applied Optics, 59(2):244-252, 2020
- S. J. Laurence, H. Ozawa, J. Martinez Schramm, C. Butler, and K. Hannemann, "Heat-flux measurements on a hypersonic inlet ramp using fast-response temperature-sensitive paint", Experiments in Fluids, 60:70, 2019
- H. Ozawa and S. J. Laurence, "Experimental investigation of the shock-induced flow over a wall-mounted cylinder", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 849:1009-1042, 2018
- R. K. Kennedy, S. J. Laurence, M. S. Smoth, and E. C. Marineau, "Investigation of the second-mode instability at Mach 14 using calibrated schlieren", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 845:R2, 2018
- S. J. Laurence, C. S. Butler, J. Martinez Schramm, and K. Hannemann, "Force and Moment Measurements on a Free-Flying Capsule in a Shock Tunnel", Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 55(2):403–414, 2018
- J. D. Chung, R. W. Houim, and S. J. Laurence, "Theoretical and Numerical Study of a Preheated Ludwieg Tube with Adiabatic Compression", AIAA Journal, 56(10):3951-3962, 2018
- S. J. Laurence, A. Wagner, and K. Hannemann, "Experimental study of second-mode instability growth and breakdown in a hypersonic boundary layer using high-speed schlieren visualization", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 797:471–503, 2016
- H. Ozawa, S. J. Laurence, J. Martinez Schramm, A. Wagner, and K. Hannemann, "Fast-response temperature-sensitive-paint measurements on a hypersonic transition cone", Experiments in Fluids, 56:1853, 2015
- S. J. Laurence, D. Lieber, J. Martinez Schramm, K. Hannemann, and J. Larsson, "Incipient Thermal Choking and Stable Shock-Train Formation in the Heat-Release Region of a Scramjet Combustor. Part I: Shock-Tunnel Experiments", Combustion and Flame, 162(4):921–931, 2015
- J. Larsson, S. J. Laurence, I. Bermejo-Moreno, J. Bodart, S. Karl, and R. Vicquelin, "Incipient Thermal Choking and Stable Shock-Train Formation in the Heat-Release Region of a Scramjet Combustor. Part II: Large Eddy Simulations", Combustion and Flame, 162(4):907–920, 2015
- S. J. Laurence, A. Wagner, and K. Hannemann, "Schlieren-Based Techniques for Investigating Instability Development and Transition in a Hypersonic Boundary Layer", Experiments in Fluids, 55(8):1782, 2014
- H. Tanno, T. Komuro, K. Sato, K. Fujita, and S. J. Laurence, "Free-flight measurement technique in the free-piston high-enthalpy shock tunnel", Review of Scientific Instruments, 85:045112, 2014
- S. J. Laurence, S. Karl, J. M. Schramm and K. Hannemann, “Transient fluid-combustion phenomena in a model scramjet”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 722:85-120, 2013.
- S. J. Laurence, N. J. Parziale, and R. Deiterding, “Dynamical separation of spherical bodies in supersonic flow”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 713:159-182, 2012.
- S. J. Laurence, “On tracking the motion of rigid bodies through edge-detection and least-squares fitting”, Experiments in Fluids, 52(2):387-401, 2012.
- S. J. Laurence, A. Wagner, K. Hannemann, V. Wartemann, H. Lüdecke, H. Tanno and K. Itoh, “Time-Resolved Visualization of Instability Waves in a Hypersonic Boundary-Layer”, AIAA Journal, 50(1):243-246, 2012 (Technical note).
- S. J. Laurence and R. Deiterding, “Shock-wave surfing”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 676:396-431, 2011.
- S. J. Laurence and S. Karl, “An improved visualization-based force-measurement tech-nique for short-duration hypersonic facilities”, Experiments in Fluids, 48:949-965, 2010.
- S. J. Laurence and H. G. Hornung, “Image-based force and moment measurement in hypersonic facilities,” Experiments in Fluids, 46:343-353, 2009.
UMD Student Awarded Wings Foundation Scholarship
Scholarships support outstanding students pursuing careers in aviation, aeronautics, and astronautics.UMD Student Ryan Jones Awarded DoD SMART Scholarship
SMART scholarship awards provide students with full tuition for up to five years and post-graduation employment.Laurence Named AIAA Associate Fellow
Fellows selected based on contributions to the arts, sciences or technology of aeronautics or astronautics.Hypersonic Wind Tunnel Research: Ray Tracing Inspires A New Approach
Stuart Laurence tests an improved method for measuring the aerodynamics of free-flying objects.Three Clark School Professors Receive Competitive DURIP Grants
DURIP supports university research in technical areas of interest to the Department of Defense (DoD).Laura Paquin Awarded 2020 Alexander Brown Scholarship and Leadership Award
Award recognizes exceptional graduate students and honors the memory and achievements of late Ph.D. student Alex Brown.Congratulations to the 2020 Aerospace Engineering Honors Class
Students complete final presentations to earn “Honors Citation.”Whalen Wins NSTRF
Graduate student receives NASA Space Technology Research Fellowship for research related to the characterization of separation events in high-speed flows.Shock Waves and Boundary Layers
Exploring the complexities of hypersonic flight.Student Spotlight: Haley Patel
Fearless ambition in aerospace engineering.Laurence Wins NSF CAREER Award
Project aims to understand noise generation when the gas in question (e.g., carbon dioxide, or high-temperature air) absorbs sound waves at certain frequencies.Four Clark School Professors Receive Competitive DURIP Grants
DURIP supports university research in technical areas of interest to the Department of Defense.Aerospace Engineering Grad Student Wins NDSEG Fellowship
Graduate student Cameron Butler Receives National Defense Science & Engineering Graduate Fellowship.Two UMD Students Win National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowships
Aerospace engineering students Kennedy and Paquin awarded NDSEG Fellowships from Air Force Research Laboratory.Three Aerospace Engineering Faculty Receive 2015 DURIP Awards
Laurence, Hubbard and Yu receive over $1.2 million in combined funding through the Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP).Shumway Awarded NDSEG Fellowship
Aerospace graduate student Nathan Shumway win National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship.UMD Students Excel at AAIA Region 1 Student Paper Conference
Aerospace engineering students sweep undergrad category at AAIA Region 1 Student Paper Conference.Aerospace Welcomes New Faculty
Dr. Stuart Laurence has been appointed as an assistant professor in the Department of Aerospace EngineeringAmerican Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
- Associate Fellow