The combined BS/MS is open to top aerospace undergraduates whose academic performance is exceptional and who meet the following criteria:
- Are at least Junior status in department
- Have a G.P.A. of at least 3.6 overall
- Obtain a letter of support from an aerospace engineering faculty mentor
- Submit the B.S./M.S. Program Application to the department during the beginning of the second semester of junior year with the support of a faculty member
- Begin M.S. thesis research with a summer internship at the University of Maryland after their junior year
- Submit a Graduate Application and a Combined B.S./M.S. course Approval Form to the graduate school during the senior year
- Take graduate-level courses during the fall of senior year
- Finish the remaining graduate courses and a master's thesis under the supervision of a faculty advisor
Additional Details
- The application must also include a Plan of Study approved by the faculty mentor that lists all courses the student intends to take each semester from the time of admission into the program until completion of the master's degree. This plan must also be approved by both the undergraduate and graduate Directors.
- The two courses that will be double-counted and any additional courses taken while an undergraduate to be counted toward the MS degree must be clearly identified and a form must be submitted to the Graduate School to approve the arrangement
- Students accepted into this program must also submit a separate but formal application to the Aerospace Graduate Program during their senior year
For more information, contact:
- Dr. Kenneth Yu, Room 3152 EGR,
- Leslie Davis, Room 3179G EGR,