Raffan-Montoya, Fernando
Co-director, FireTEC
Affiliate Assistant Professor (ME)
Aerospace Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
- Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering, UMD, 2016.
- M.S. in Aerospace Engineering, UMD, 2008.
- B.S. in Aerospace Engineering (Summa Cum Laude), Florida Institute of Technology, 2005
- Assistant Professor (2022-present), University of Maryland at College Park, MD
- Faculty Specialist (2018-2022), University of Maryland at College Park, MD
- Postdoctoral Researcher (2016-2018), University of Maryland at College Park, MD
- International Association for Fire Safety Science
- Material flammability
- Fire toxicity
- Suppression
- Application of non-intrusive experimental methods to fire science problems
- Wildfire detection, monitoring, and forecasting
- Characterizing flammability and thermal protection of fabrics using milligram-sized samples
Sponsor: USArmy DEVCOM Soldier Center via UMass-Lowell
- High-Resolution Observations of Wildfires and Wildland-Urban-Interface Fires Through State-of-the-Art UAVs and Fire Imaging Technologies https://research.umd.edu/wildfires-uavs
Sponsor: University of Maryland Grand Challenges Program, Division of Research
ENFP300 Fire Protection Fluid Mechanics
ENFP312 Heat and Mass Transfer
ENFP620 Fire Dynamics Laboratory
• DeBeer, J.A., Raffan-Montoya, F., Stoliarov, S.I., “A Milligram-scale Flame Calorimeter Pyrolyzer System Used to Emulate Burning of Non-thermally-thin Solid Samples,” Fire and Materials, 2021.
• Morgan, A.B., Stoliarov, S.I., Levchik, S.V., Raffan-Montoya, F., Knapp, G., “Smolder to Flaming Transition in Furniture-New Test Method Development and Material combination Effects,” Polyurethanes Technical Conference, American Chemistry Council, October 2021.
• DeBeer, J.A., Raffan-Montoya, F., Stoliarov, S.I., “Milligram-scale Flame Calorimetry: Novel Design of a Pyrolyzer System used to Emulate the Burning Behavior Exhibited by Cone Calorimetry Samples,” 12th U.S. National Combustion Meeting, The Combustion Institute, 2021.
• Hamel, C., Raffan-Montoya, F., Stoliarov, S.I., “A Method for Measurement of Spatially Resolved Radiation Intensity and Radiative Fraction of Laminar Flames of Gaseous and Solid Fuels,” Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 104, June 2019.
• Jung, D., Raffan-Montoya, F., Ramachandran, R.i, Zhang, Y., Islamoglu, Timur, M.G., Qian, E.A., Dziedzic, R.M., Farha, O.K., Stoliarov, S.I., and Spokoyny, A.M., “Cross-linked Porous Polyurethane Materials Featuring Dodecaborate Clusters as Inorganic Polyol Equivalents,” Chemical Communications 55, 2019.
• Raffan-Montoya, F., Stoliarov, S.I., Levchik, S., Eden, E., “Screening Flame Retardants Using Milligram-scale Flame Calorimetry,” Polymer Degradation and Stability 151, May 2018.