Kaplan, Carolyn
Research Associate Professor
Aerospace Engineering
3202 James M. Patterson Bldg.
- Ph.D. Chemical Engineering, 1987, University of Maryland, College Park, MD
- M.S. Chemical Engineering, 1985, University of Maryland, College Park, MD
- B.S. Chemical Engineering, 1980, University of Maryland, College Park, MD
Professional Activities and Recognition:
- Associate Editor, AIAA Journal, 2003-2008.
- Associate Fellow, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA).
- Program Organizing Committee, 27th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics, Pacific Grove, CA, 2010.
- Co-organizer of the Work-in-Progress Poster Session, 25th Symposium (International) on Combustion, University of California, Irvine, 1994.
- NRL Research Publication Awards: 1983, 1996, 2006, 2013.
- Co-Chair, Chemistry Division Colloquium Committee, 1991-1993.
- Edison Memorial Graduate Training Program Fellowship, NRL 1983-1986 (funding for graduate studies at University of Maryland)
Service on Funding Agency Review Panels:
- NSF Faculty CAREER Awards, 1997
- Aeronautics and Space Engineering Board of the National Academy of Sciences, every year from 1995-2005
- Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Propulsion Proposals, 1996-2005
- Basic Energy Sciences Program at the Combustion Research Facility at Sandia National Laboratories, 2000
- Early Career Principal Investigator Program in Applied Mathematics, Computer Science and High-Performance Networks, 2002
- DOE Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR) Leadership Computing Challenge, 2015.
Development of fast sorting and tracking algorithms to control large systems of interacting objects (air traffic, swarms of UAVs, space debris)
Aerothermodynamics of hypersonic vehicles, such as computation of the neutral and plasma flowfield surrounding ballistic missile reentry vehicles
Calculation of large-scale ionospheric disturbances from Space Shuttle engine plumes
Expertise in parallel processing for large-scale scientific computing of rarefied flows (direct simulation Monte Carlo) and continuum flows (Navier-Stokes)
Algorithm development for data mining applications
Journal Articles and Refereed Conference Proceedings:
- Farzanah, F., Kaplan, C.R., Yu, P.Y., Hong, J., and Gentry, J.W., "Condition Numbers As Criteria for Evaluation of Atmospheric Aerosols," Environmental Science and Technology Journal, 19, 121 (1985).
- Kaplan, C.R., Wang, J., and Gentry, J.W., "Condition Numbers, Monte Carlo Simulations, and Filter Clogging," Journal of Aerosol Science, 17, 418 (1986).
- Kaplan, C.R., Gentry, J.W., "The Preservation of Fractal Dimensionality in Monte Carlo Simulations of Aerosol Agglomeration," Aerosols: Formation and Reactivity, eds.H. Fissan and C. Helsper, 402 (1986).
- Kaplan, C.R., Gentry, J.W., "Use of Condition Numbers for Short-Cut Experimental Design," American Institute of Chemical Engineers Journal, 33, 681 (1987).
- Kaplan, C.R., Wang, J., Samson, R., and Gentry, J.W.,"Characterization of Stochastic Processes in Aerosol Mechanics," Particulate and Multiphase Processes, eds. T. Ariman and T. Veziroglu, 2, 731 (1987).
- Kaplan, C.R., Gentry, J.W., "Agglomeration of Chain-Like Combustion Aerosols Due to Brownian Motion," Aerosol Science and Technology Journal, 8, 11 (1988).
- Runyan, M.R., Pearson, C.L., Wang, C.C., Han, R., Plunkett, S., Kaplan, C., Gentry, J.W., The use of the log beta distribution to characterize atmospheric aerosols, Atmospheric Aerosols and Nucleation, Lecture Notes in Physics, 309, 65 (1988).
- Kaplan, C.R. and Oran, E.S., "Mechanisms of Ignition and Detonation Formation of PropaneAir Mixtures," Combustion Science and Technology Journal, 80, 185 (1991).
- Kaplan, C.R. and Oran, E.S., "A Numerical Study of Spontaneous Propane Ignition in a Partially Confined Volume," Fire Safety Science: Proceedings of the Third International Conference, eds. G. Cox, B. Langford, Elsevier Applied Science, p. 375 (1991).
- Kim, J.S., Baek, S.W. and Kaplan,C.R., "Effect of Radiation on Diffusion Flame Behavior Over a Combustible Solid," Combustion Science and Technology Journal., 88, 133 (1992).
- Kaplan, C.R., Baek, S.W., Oran, E.S., and Ellzey, J.L., "Dynamics of a Strongly-Radiating Ethylene Jet Difusion Flame," Combustion and Flame Journal, 96, 1 (1994).
- Kaplan, C.R., Oran, E.S. and Baek, S.W., "Stabilization Mechanism of Lifted Jet Diffusion Flames," Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 25, 1183 (1994).
- Kaplan, C.R., Shaddix, C.R. and Smyth, K.C., "Computations of Enhanced Soot Production in Time-Varying CH4-Air Diffusion Flames," Combustion and Flame Journal, 106, 392 (1996).
- Kaplan, C.R, Oran, E.S., Kailasanath, K. and Ross, H.D., “Gravitational Effects on Sooting Diffusion Flames,” Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 26, 1301 (1996).
- Baek, S.W., Kim, T.Y., and Kaplan, C.R., “Ignition Phenomenon of Solid Fuel in a Confined Rectangular Enclosure,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 40, 89 (1997).
- Kaplan, C.R., Patnaik, G.P., and Kailasanath, K., “Universal Relationships in Sooting Methane-Air Diffusion Flames,” Combustion Science and Technology Journal, 131, 39 (1998).
- Montgomery, C.J., Kaplan, C.R., Oran, E.S., “The Effect of Coflow Velocity on a Lifted Methane-Air Jet Diffusion Flame,” Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 27, 1175 (1998).
- Kaplan, C.R. and Kailasanath, K., "Flowfield Effects on Soot Formation in Normal and Inverse Methane-Air Diffusion Flames," Combustion and Flame Journal, 124, 275 (2001).
- Kaplan, C.R. and Oran, E.S., "Nonlinear Filtering for Low-Velocity Gaseous Microflows," Rarefied Gas Dynamics, eds. T.J. Bartel and M.A. Gallis, 472 (2001).
- Mott, D.R., Oran, E.S., and Kaplan, C.R., "Microfilter Simulations and Scaling Laws," Rarefied Gas Dynamics, eds. T.J. Bartel and M.A. Gallis, 480 (2001).
- Mott, D.R., Oran, E.S., and Kaplan, C.R., "Microfilter Simulations and Scaling Laws," Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 15, 473 (2001).
- Kaplan, C.R. and Oran, E.S., "Nonlinear Filtering for Low-Velocity Gaseous Microflows," American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Journal, 40, 82 (2002).
- Kaplan, C.R., Oran, E.S., Mott, D.R. and Liu, J., "Computations of Chaotic Flows in Micromixers," 2005 NRL Review, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, D.C., 2005.
- Howell, P.B., Mott, D.R., Fertig, S., Kaplan, C.R., Golden, J.P., Oran, E.S. and Ligler, F.S., “A Microfluidic Mixer with Grooves Placed on the Top and Bottom of the Channel,” Lab on a Chip Journal, 5, 524 (2005).
- Liu, J., Oran, E.S. and Kaplan, C.R., Numerical Diffusion in the FCT Algorithm, Revisited,” Journal of Computational Physics, 208, 416 (2005).
- Mott, D.R., Howell, P.B., Golden, J.P., Kaplan, C.R., Ligler, F.S., and Oran, E.S., "Toolbox for the Design of Optimized Microfluidic Components," Lab on a Chip Journal, 6, 540 (2006).
- Kaplan, C.R., Liu, J. and Oran, E.S., "Parallel Hybrid Method for Subsonic Flows," Rarefied Gas Dynamics, eds. M. Ivanov and A. Rebrov, p. 355 (2007).
- Howell, P.B., Mott, D.R., Ligler, F.S., Golden, J.P., Kaplan, C.R., and Oran, E.S., "A Combinatorial Approach to Microfluidic Mixing," Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 18, 115019 (2008).
- Kessler, D.A., Oran, E.S., Kaplan, C.R., "Simulation of Dense, Rarefied Gas Flows using a Multiscale Procedure," Rarefied Gas Dynamics, 1084, ed T. Abe, p. 353-358 (2009).
- Kessler, D.A., Oran, E.S. and Kaplan, C.R., "Towards the development of a multiscale, multiphysics method for the simulation of rarefied gas flows," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 661, 262 (2010).
- Kaplan, C.R. and Bernhardt, P.A., "The Effect of an Altitude-Dependent Background Atmosphere on Shuttle Plumes," Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 47, 700 (2010).
- Kaplan, C.R., Oran, E.S., Alexandrov, N. and Boris, J.P., "Rapid Air Traffic Modeling and Prediction," 2010 NRL Review, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC, p. 234 (2011).
- Kessler, D.A., Oran, E.S., Kaplan, C.R., "Improving the Efficiency of a Multiscale Method for Rarefied Flows," Rarefied Gas Dynamics , eds. Levin, Wysong and Garcia, p. 266, 2011.
- Bernhardt, P.A., Ballenthin, J.O., Baumgardner, J.L., Bhatt, A., Boyd, I.D., Burt, J.M., Caton, R.G., Costner, A., Erickson, P.J., Huba, J.D., Earle, G.D., Kaplan, C.R., Foster, J.C., Groves, K.M., Haaser, R.A., Heelis, R.A., Hunton, D.E., Hysell, D.L., Klenzing, J.H., Larsen, M.F., Lind, F.D., Pedersen, T.R., Pfaff, R.F., Stoneback, R.A., Roddy, P.A., Rodriquez, S.P., San Antonio, G.S., Schuck, P.W., Siefring, C.L., Selcher, C.A., Smith, S.M., Talaat, E.R., Thomason, J.F., Tsunoda, R.T., and Varney, R.H., “Ground and Space-Based Measurement of Rocket Engine Burns in the Ionosphere,” IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science Journal, 40, 5, 1267-1286 (2012).
- Kaplan, C.R., Dahm, J., Oran, E.S., Alexandrov, N., and Boris, J.P., "Analysis of the Monotonic Lagrangian Grid as an Air Traffic Simulation Tool," Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, 36, 196 (2013).
- Kaplan, C.R., "DoD Hypersonic Vehicle Aerodynamics," 2015 NRL Review, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC, p. 204 (2015). Kaplan, C.R., Ozgen, A., Oran, E.S., "Chemical-Diffusive Models for Flame Acceleration and Transition to Detonation: Genetic Algorithm and Optimization Procedure," accepted, Combustion Theory and Modeling (to appear, 2018).
- Zhang, X., Chung, J., Kaplan, C., and Oran, E.S., “The Barely Implicit Correction Algorithm for Low-Mach Number Flows,” submitted to Computers and Fluids.
- Zheng, W.L., Kaplan, C.R., Houim, R.W. and Oran, E.S, “Flame Acceleration and Transition to Detonation: Effects of a Composition Gradient in a Mixture of Methane and Air,” submitted to Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2018.