News Story
University of Maryland hosts AIAA Region 1 Student Conference

The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) 2019 Region 1 Student Conference was held at The University of Maryland on April 6, 2019.
UMD students were very successful in the competition, winning four out of the nine awards available.
These students include:
Masters Category- Robert Brown: First place, for his design of a trim analysis of an electric rotorcraft, utilizing a moving mass control system.
Brown has been invited to present his papers at the AIAA Foundation International Student Conference in Orlando, Florida, in January 2020.
Masters Category- Jacob R. McCullum: Second place, for the application of a dual PZT sparse array with lamb wave mode decomposition for damage localization in an aircraft. Faculty advisor: Dr. Norman M. Wereley.
Undergraduate Category- Caitlyn A.K. Singam: Third place, for a low-profile, self-contained system for atmospheric monitoring and mid-flight collection of viable microbiological samples at high altitude.
Team Category- C. Callejon Hierro, N. Gupta, K. Pilaszewicz, N. Pillai, J. Sandoval, and L. Weist: Third place, for the Design of a electric coaxial helicopter with variable center of gravity control.
AIAA sponsors student conferences in each AIAA region for student members at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Students present their research and are judged on technical content and clarity of communication by professional members from industry.
Published October 28, 2019