Aerospace Engineering Ranked #1 by Thomson Scientific's Sci-Bytes

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The A. James Clark School of Engineering wishes to acknowledge the accomplishment of many faculty and students as Sci-Bytes announces the ranking of their High-Impact U.S. Universities in the field of Aerospace Engineering, citing the University of Maryland as #1 based on data compiled from 2001 to 2005.

The ranking is based on the tracking of articles/papers appearing in 32 journals/periodicals with sub-fields in Aerospace Engineering indexed by Thomson Scientific including:

1. AIAA Journal

2. Aeronautical Journal

3. Aeronautical Quarterly

4. Journal of the American Helicopter Society

5. Astronautics & Aeronautics

6. Canadian Aeronautics and Space Journal

7. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems

8. Journal of Aircraft

9. Journal of the Astronautical Sciences

10. Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets

11. Recherche Aerospatiale

12. ACTA Astronautica

13. Journal of Energy

14. Advances in Earth Oriented Applications of Space Technology

15. Space Solar Power Review

16. Earth-Oriented Applications of Space Technology

17. Zeitschrift Fur Flugwissenschaften Und Weltraumforschung

18. Vertica

19. Progress in Aerospace Sciences

20. ESA Bulletin-European Space Agency

21. ESA Journal – European Space Agency

22. Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences

23. Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeni Aviatsionaya Tekhnika

24. Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics

25. Aerospace America

26. Journal of Propulsion and Power

27. Space Power

28. IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine

29. Space Technology – Industrial and Commercial Applications

30. Journal of Aerospace Engineering

31. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part G – Journal of Aerospace Engineering

32. Aerospace Science and Technology

Sci-bytes is a division of Thomson Scientific, a publisher of Web-based information resources, who recognizes the need for and value of reliable high-quality information to individual researchers and users as well as to the larger library community. A list of all rankings is located at

Published January 3, 2008