Aerospace Engineering Seminar Series: Kerry Wisnosky, Quantum Space

Wednesday, February 1, 2023
4:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
2164 Martin Hall, DeWalt Seminar Room/Hybrid
Brent Barbee

TOPIC: Quantum Space - Developing The Space Superhighway Journey to the Stars

SPEAKER: Kerry Wisnosky
Chief Operating Officer and Executive Vice President
Quantum Space

ABSTRACT: Quantum Space (QS) was founded to advance humanity’s journey to the stars by architecting the space superhighway. The company envisions transforming space commerce beyond Earth orbit by providing the space infrastructure required to travel through and operate in deep space more safely, reliably, affordably, and routinely.

QS core lines of business are multi-orbit logistics services, and data products and digital services, all of which focus on xGEO (the region from GEO to the moon and beyond), and provide the foundation for xGEO space security and commerce. Our data products include Space Domain Awareness (SDA), Space Traffic Management, space weather monitoring/prediction, and passive RF signal cataloging. Our digital services include an alternative Position Navigation and Timing (PNT) signal, a communications relay, and onboard computing-as-a-service. Multi-orbit logistics services shall be provided for payload hosting, satellite inspection, spacecraft delivery services , and refueling.

QS will deliver a fleet of networked spacecraft (QuantumNet) in xGEO and will collect and sell multi-mission multi-phenomenology data products and provide digital services. To cover the vast volume of xGEO space with accurate, high-resolution data and with relevant revisit times for actionable intelligence, numerous semi-autonomous data-collecting spacecraft are necessary. These crosslinked spacecraft ‘nodes’ will tip/cue each other and allow for network level functions such as time signal synching, intervehicle tasking, macro stereo observations, and simultaneous heterogeneous wavelength data collection of Resident Space Objects (RSOs).

Kerry Wisnosky is an aerospace engineer by trade, with over 30 years’ experience performing and providing leadership in developing space and missile technology for National Security and Civilian customers.

Kerry co-founded and served as CEO of Millennium Engineering and Integration, which specialized in providing space systems and systems engineering and integration services to clients including Department of Defense, NASA, and the Department of Homeland Security. Millenium was merged with Quantitech and re-branded as Axient, where he currently serves on the Board of Directors.

Kerry’s latest adventure is with Quantum Space. As Chief Operating Officer and Executive Vice President, Kerry’s extensive business and engineering experience is ensuring Quantum Space makes a massive positive impact in the burgeoning space economy and advancing humans’ journey to the stars!

Bachelor Science Aerospace Engineering U of Maryland; Masters of Science Mechanical Engineering & Applied Sciences U of Pennsylvania


Audience: All Students  Graduate  Undergraduate  Faculty 

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