Faculty Directory

Sanner, Robert M.

Sanner, Robert M.

Associate Professor
Aerospace Engineering
3186 Glenn L. Martin hall


  • S.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Aeronautics & Astronautics)
  • M.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Aeronautics & Astronautics)
  • Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Aeronautics & Astronautics)


Institutional Services

  • Chair, Dynamics and Control curriculum committee
  • Member, Undergraduate Committee
  • ENGR/MATH Curriculum Committee ENGR-A. James Clark School of Engineering
  • Doctoral Qualifying Examiner ENGR-Aerospace Engineering

Adaptive control methods, recursive identification methods, modeling and control of continuou-time, nonlinear dynamic systems, spacecraft trajectory planning

Journal Articles

  • Smithanik, J., Atkins, E., and Sanner, R. (2005), "A visual positioning system for an underwater space simulation environment," AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, & Dynamics, in press.
  • Henshaw, C. and Sanner, R. (2004), "Hybrid AI/control system interactions and analysis," Journal of Eperimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, October.
  • Thienel, J. and Sanner, R. (2003), "Coupled nonlinear spacecraft attitude controller and observer with unknown gyro bias," IEEE Transactions on  Automatic Control, November.
  • Henshaw, C. and Sanner, R. (2003), "A collocation technique for optimal spacecraft trajectory planning," NASA Flight Mechanics Symposium, October.
  • Luquette, R. and Sanner, R., (2003), "A nonlinear 6DOF precision formation control algorithm for three body dynamics," Advances in the Astronautical Sciences. vol 119 (AAS 03-007), January.
  • Spencer, M, Chopra, I. and Sanner, R. (2002), "Closed-loop neurocontroller tests for piezoactuated smart rotor blades," AIAA Journal, August.
  • Luquette, R. and Sanner, R. (2001), "A nonlinear approach for spacecraft formation control in the vicinity of a collinear Lagrange point," Advances in the Astronautical Sciences. vol 109 (AAS 01-330), January.
  • Spencer, M., Chopra, I., and Sanner, R. (1999), "Adaptive neurocontrol of simulated rotor vibrations using trailing edge flaps," Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, November.
  • Sanner, R. and Kosha, M., (1999) "A mathematical model of the adaptive control of human arm motions," Biological Cybernetics, May.

Submitted Journal Articles

  • J. Thienel and R. Sanner, "Hubble Space Telescope Angular Velocity Estimation During the Robotic Servicing Mission," Submitted to the AIAA Journal of Guidance, Navigation, and Control, Fall 2005

Conference Proceedings

  • Atkins, E. and Sanner, R. M., "A Damage-ResilientT Flight Planning and Guidance System," Aviation Safety Technology Conference, Denver, CO, Oct 2008.
  • Thienel, J., Luquette, R., and Sanner, R., "Estimation of Spacecraft Inertia Parameters," 2008 AIAA Conf. GN&C, Honolulu HI.
  • Luquette, R. and Sanner R., "Spacecraft Formation Control: Managing Line-of-Sight Drift Based on the Dynamics of Relative Motion," 3rd International Symposium Formation Flying, Missions, and Technologies, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, April 2008.
  • J. Thienel, J. VanEepoel, and R. Sanner, "Accurate State Estimation and Tracking of a Non-Cooperative Target Vehicle," accepted for presentation at the AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, Keystone, CO, August 21-24, 2006
  • J. Thienel, J. VanEepoel, and R. Sanner, "Precision Pointing Control and Accurate Target Estimation of a Non-Cooperative Vehicle," AAS Guidance and Control Conference, Breckenridge, CO, Feb. 5-9, 2006.
  • J. Thienel, S. Queen, J. VanEepoel, and R. Sanner, "Hubble Space Telescope Angular Velocity Estimation During the Robotic Servicing Mission," AIAA GNC Conference, San Francisco, CA, August 15-18, 2005.
  • J. Thienel, S. Queen, J. VanEepoel, and R. Sanner, "Angular Velocity Estimation of a Tumbling Hubble Space Telescope," NASA GSFC Flight Mechanics Symposium, Greenbelt, MD, October 18-20, 2005.
  • Sanner, R. and Proffen, D. (2004), "Virtual Rigid Body (VRB) satellite control with formation preserving cross-coupling," 2nd International Symposium Formation Flying Missions, September.
  • Strube, M., Sanner R., and Atkins, E. (2004), "Dynamic flight guidance recalibration after actuator failure," AIAA Intelligence Systems Technology Conference, September.

Shrestha and DeVries Win 2014 Graduate Student Research Awards Competition

Elena Shrestha and Levi DeVries win Department of Aerospace Engineering Graduate Student Research Awards Competition.

Prof. Sanner and Former Advisee Win ASCE Best Paper Award

Prof. Sanner and Dr.Henshaw's Paper is Published in the ASCE Journal of Aerospace Engineering.

Undergraduate Studies Has a New Team at the Helm

Undergraduate Studies Has a New Team at the Helm

Conference Yields Top Awards for Aerospace Undergraduates

Aerospace Students Sweep Undergraduate Category at AIAA Regional Conference