Sigma Gamma Tau Tutoring

Homework Problems? Let Sigma Gamma Tau help you
Peer-Based Tutoring:

Let's face it: we could all use some academic assistance from time to time. And unfortunately, teaching assistants and aren't always accessible, and when they are, sometimes their lesson doesn't quite stick as well as we might like.

Sigma Gamma Tau is trying to fill in those gaps. Our members offer free tutoring hours from 4:00pm-6:00pm on Monday and 3:00pm-5:00pm Thursdays. Our tutors can be found on the 3rd floor of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Library (EPSL) in the Mathematics Building (#084), in the Tesla Room. Most of our tutoring is provided in the following classes:



MATH 140

MATH 141

MATH 241

MATH 240/461

MATH 246

CHEM 135

PHYS 161

PHYS 260/261

PHYS 270/271

ENAE 202

ENAE 283

ENAE 301

ENAE 311

ENAE 324

ENAE 362

ENAE 380

Note: Keystone classes are not covered. In an attempt to offer as much time as possible for the students that come to our tutoring sessions we're passing on these courses that already offer additional help. Visit the A James. Clark School of Engineering Keystone Center website here.

We're still getting our tutoring center started. At this time, we're only able to offer tutoring for Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior classes. If you're knowledgeable of Senior-level courses and are willing to donate your time, please contact us.

Sigma Gamma Tau Tutoring Center Rules:

1. Bring all of the materials you need. Simply put, we can't bring a copy of the text for each class, nor can we anticipate someone needing a calculator or laptop. If you need it for your assignment, please bring it yourself.

2. Show progress on what you have. We can't assist you if we don't know where you're going wrong. Do what you can and we'll help you out when you get stuck.

3. Don't expect answers. At our tutoring center we work on problem processes. We may decide to come up with an example problem to show you how to solve the one you're having issues with. Don't worry, we're not trying to avoid helping you; we just find that you remember the process better if you make the connection between an example and an assignment.

4. Sometimes we can't help. Some professors just don't want any collaboration on assignments (especially if it's a take-home exam!). If this is the case, we have to respect your professor's wishes.

Equation Sheets:

If you are a Sigma Gamma Tau member, you have access to our database of equation sheets. Just email the Public Affairs officer (check the Contact Us tab above for email addresses) to be granted access.

Last modified January 31, 2013