Wereley, Norman M.
Director, Composites Research Laboratory (CORE)
InnoVital Systems Faculty Fellow
Keystone Professor
Maryland Robotics Center
Alfred Gessow Rotorcraft Center
- Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1990)
- M.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1987)
- B.Eng., McGill University (1982)
- CAMX Oustanding Technical Paper Award (2024)
- Editor-in-Chief, SAMPE Journal (2023)
- American Helicopter Museum Achievement Award (2020), First Organ Transplant Flight via VTOL Drone
- Senior Faculty Outstanding Research Award, Clark School of Engineering (2017)
- Making a Difference Award, Office of Community Engagement, University of Maryland (2016)
- ASME Ephrahim Garcia Best Paper Award (2016)
- Marvin C. Demler Award for Exceptional Service to AIAA National Capital Section (2015)
- Member, Omicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Honors Society (2015)
- SPIE Smart Structures and Materials Lifetime Achievement Award (2013)
- SPIE Smart Structures and Materials Product Implementation Award (2013)
- Fellow, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (2012)
- ASME Adaptive Structures and Material Systems Prize (2012)
- American Helicopter Society (AHS) Best Paper Award in Crash Safety (2012)
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Adaptive Structures and Material Systems Best Paper Award in Structural Dynamics and Control (2012, 2004)
- AHS Harry T. Jensen Award, Boeing Active Crash Protection Team (2011)
- Editorial Board, Advances in Materials Research (2011 – present)
- AIAA Sustained Service Award (June, 2011)
- A. James Clark School of Engineering Faculty Service Award, U. Maryland (May, 2010)
- Member, AIAA Region I Engineer of the Year Honor Society (March, 2010)
- AIAA National Capital Section Engineer of the Year Award (April, 2009)
- Associate Editor, AIAA Journal (2009-2014)
- Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (2008)
- Associate Editor, Smart Materials and Structures, (Jan. 2008 – present)
- Techno-Sciences Inc. Faculty Fellow (Nov. 2007 – April 2012)
- Editor, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures (2007 – 2024)
- American Helicopter Society Grover E. Bell Award, Smart Structures Program of the Alfred Gessow Rotorcraft Center (2002)
- Invention of the Year Finalist (2002), Office of Technology Commercialization, U. Maryland
- Fellow, Institute of Physics (2001)
- Associate Technical Editor, J. Intelligent Material Systems and Structures (1999-2006)
- Associate Editor, J. Intelligent Material Systems and Structures (1997-1998) Army Young Investigator Award (1997)
- Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award, National Science Foundation (1997)
- Associate Fellow, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) (1998)
- Broken Propeller Award (1994), AIAA Student Chapter, U. Maryland
- Quality Performance Award for Technical Excellence and Leadership, Infrared Materials Producibility Program, BDM Federal, Inc. (1992)
- Best Presentation in Linear Systems at the 1991 American Control Conference
- Best Presentation in Multirate and Periodic Systems at the 1990 American Control Conference
- Vertical Flight Foundation GE Aircraft Engines Fellowship (1989-90)
- William L. Steward Jr. Award, MIT (1987)
- Captain, McGill University Rugby Team (1980-81, 1981-1982)
- Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Summer Fellowship (1982)
- Greville Smith Scholar (1978-1979, 1979-1980)
- McGill University Scholar (1978-1979)
- Fairweather Memorial for Scholarship, Citizenship & Sportsmanship, RCS (1978)
- Governor General of Canada’s Medal, Rothesay Collegiate School (1978)
- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), Fellow
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Fellow
- Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS), Fellow
- Institute of Physics (IOP), Fellow
- American Helicopter Society (AHS), Lifetime Member & Technical Fellow
- The International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE), Fellow
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Senior Member
- American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE), Member
- American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Member
Research in active, semi-active and passive vibration control, as well as adaptive crashworthiness systems, for helicopters and automobiles; magnetorheological energy absorbers and fluids; and smart pneumatic systems
- N.M. Wereley, Editor (2013). Magnetorheology: Advances and Applications. Royal Society of Chemistry: RSC Smart Materials, London, UK.
- N.M. Wereley and J.D. Sater, Editors (2012). Plants and Mechanical Motion - A Synthetic Approach to Nastic Materials and Structures. DesTech Publishers, Lancaster, PA.
Chapters in Books
- N.M. Wereley and Y.-T. Choi (2020). “Review of Magnetorheological Fluids as Smart Materials.” Fundamentals of Smart Materials. M. Shahinpoor, Ed., Royal Society of Chemistry. RSC Smart Materials, Cambridge, UK. Chapter 10, pp. 107-117.
- G. Ngatu, W. Hu, N.M. Wereley, C.S. Kothera and Gang Wang (2013). “Controllable Magnetorheological Damping for Advanced Helicopter Rotors.” Magnetorheology: Advances and Applications. Norman M. Wereley, Ed., Royal Society of Chemistry. RSC Smart Materials, Cambridge, UK. Chapter 14, pp. 307-341. DOI:10.1039/9781849737548-00307.
- Y.-T. Choi, H.J. Song, and N.M. Wereley (2013). “Semi-Active Isolation System Using Self-Powered Magnetorheological Dampers.” Magnetorheology: Advances and Applications. Norman M. Wereley, Ed., Royal Society of Chemistry. RSC Smart Materials, Cambridge, UK. Chapter 13, pp. 288-306. DOI:10.1039/9781849737548-00288.
- N.M. Wereley, H.J. Singh and Y.-T. Choi (2013). “Adaptive Magnetorheological Energy Absorbing Mounts for Shock Mitigation.” Magnetorheology: Advances and Applications. Norman M. Wereley, Ed., Royal Society of Chemistry. RSC Smart Materials, Cambridge, UK. Chapter 12, pp. 278-287. DOI:10.1039/9781849737548-00278
- N.M. Wereley, W. Hu, R.M. Robinson (2013). “Magnetorheological Fluids Flowing Through Porous Media: Analysis, Experimental Evaluation, and Applications.” Magnetorheology: Advances and Applications. Norman M. Wereley, Ed., Royal Society of Chemistry. RSC Smart Materials, Cambridge, UK. Chapter 9, pp. 206-228. DOI:10.1039/9781849737548-00206
- R.C. Bell, D.T. Zimmerman, and N.M. Wereley (2013). “Magnetorheology of Fe Nanofibers Dispersed in a Carrier Fluid.” Magnetorheology: Advances and Applications. Norman M. Wereley, Ed., Royal Society of Chemistry. RSC Smart Materials, Cambridge, UK. Chapter 2, pp. 31-55. DOI: 10.1039/9781849737548-00031.
- W. Hu and N.M. Wereley (2012). “Analysis of Filled Elastomeric Materials Under Harmonic Loading Using a Distributed Rate Dependent Elasto-slide Model.” Advanced Elastomers – Technology, Properties and Applications. InTech Publishers, Vienna, Austria, Chapter 13, pp. 301-340. doi: 10.5772/2784.
- B.K.S. Woods, C.S. Kothera, and N.M. Wereley (2012). “Bio-Inspired Pneumatic Artificial Muscle Actuation of Trailing Edge Flaps in a Helicopter Rotor.” Plants and Mechanical Motion - A Synthetic Approach to Nastic Materials and Structures.
- N.M. Wereley and J.D. Sater, Editors. DesTech Publishers. Chapter 9, pp. 193-234. R.D. Vocke III, C.S. Kothera, B.K.S. Woods, E.A. Bubert, and N.M. Wereley (2012). “One Dimensional Morphing Structures for Advanced Aircraft.” Recent Advances in Aircraft Technology, InTech Publishers, Vienna, Austria, Chapter 1, pp. 3-28.
- C.S. Kothera, and N.M. Wereley (2011). “Wind Tunnel Testing of Pneumatic Artificial Muscles for Control Surface Actuation.” Wind Tunnels, InTech Publishers, Vienna, Austria, Chapter 6, pp. 105–120.
- R.C. Bell, D. Zimmerman, and N.M. Wereley (2010). “Impact of Nanowires on the Properties of Magnetorheological Fluids and Elastomer Composites.” Electrodeposited Nanowires and their Applications, Nicoleta Lupu, Editor. InTech Publishers, Vienna, Austria, Chapter 8, pp. 189-212.
- D.C. Chang, G. Wang, and N.M. Wereley (2006). "Mathematical Analysis of Fly Fishing Rod Static Analysis." Differential and Difference Equations and Applications. R. Agarwal, Ed. Hindawi Publishing Company.
- N.M. Wereley, R. Snyder*, R. Krishnan*, and T. Sieg (2001). "Helicopter Damping.” Encyclopedia of Vibration. Editors: S.G. Braun, D.J. Ewins and S.S. Rao, Academic Press, London, UK, Volume 2, pp. 629-642.
- G.M. Kamath* and N.M. Wereley (1997). “Modeling the Damping Mechanism in Electro-Rheological Fluid Based Dampers.” M3DIII: Mechanics and Mechanisms of Material Damping, American Society of Testing and Materials, ASTM STP 1304, A. Wolfenden and V.K. Kinra, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, pp. 331-348.
- C.B. Smith* and N.M. Wereley (1997). “Composite Rotorcraft Flexbeams With Viscoelastic Damping Layers for Aeromechanical Stability Augmentation.” M3DIII: Mechanics and Mechanisms of Material Damping, American Society of Testing and Materials, ASTM STP 1304, A. Wolfenden and V.K. Kinra, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, pp. 62–77.
- T.F. Zahrah, N.M. Wereley, F.H. Charron, and J.R. Mills (1993). “Hot Isostatic Pressing Using the Intelligent Processing of Materials Approach.” Hot Isostatic Pressing 1993, Eds. L. Delaey and H. Tas, Elsevier Publishers. pp. 109–116.
- A.H. von Flotow and N.M. Wereley (1990). “Insights and Approximations in the Dynamic Analysis of Spacecraft Tethers.” Chap. 25, Mechanics and Control of Flexible Structures, J.L. Junkins, Editor, AIAA, pp. 678–696.
Journal Articles
- • J. Park, J.M. Howard, A. Edery, M. Demay, N.M. Wereley (2022). “Tunable Energy Absorbing Property of Bilayer Amorphous Glass Foam via Dry Powder Printing.” MDPI Materials. 15:9080. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma15249080
- • R.C. Bell and N.M. Wereley (2022). “The influence of aspect ratio on the properties of cobalt nanowire-based magnetorheological fluids.” International Journal of Smart and Nano Materials. https://doi.org/10.1080/19475411.2022.2130466
- • J.M. Chambers, and N.M. Wereley (2022). “Analysis of Pneumatic Artificial Muscles and the Inelastic Braid Assumption.” MDPI Actuators. 11(8): 219. https://doi.org/10.3390/act110802
- • J.J. Park, Y.-T. Choi, A.B. Flatau, and N.M. Wereley (2022). “Encapsulations of Magnetorheological Fluids within 3D Printed Elastomeric Cellular Structures.” IEEE Trans. Magnetics. 58(8):4600805. 26 July 2022. https://doi.org/10.1109/TMAG.2021.3137838
- • Y.-T. Choi and N.M. Wereley (2022). "Vibration Isolation Performance of an Adaptive Magnetorheological Elastomer-Based Dynamic Vibration Absorber." MDPI Actuators, 11(6):157. 12 June 2022. https://doi.org/10.3390/act11060157
- • J. Garbulinksi and N.M. Wereley (2022). “Bending Properties of an Extensile Fluidic Artificial Muscle.” Frontiers in Robotics and AI. 9:804095. 13 April 2022. https://doi.org/10.3389/frobt.2022.804095
- • Y.-T. Choi and N.M. Wereley (2022). “Adaptively tunable magnetorheological elastomer-based vibration absorber for a propeller aircraft seat.” AIP Advances, 12(3):035332. 16 March 2022. https://doi.org/10.1063/9.0000323
- • R.M. Pierce*, Y.-T. Choi, and N.M. Wereley (2022). “The Effect of Mesocarbon Microbeads on Magnetorheological Fluid Behavior.” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 33(5):619-628. https://doi.org/10.1177/1045389X211019128
- • L. Xie, Y.-T. Choi, C.-R. Liao, Z. Zheng, N.M. Wereley, (2022). “Synthesis and rheological characteristics of high viscosity linear polysiloxane carrier fluid-based magnetorheological fluids.” Smart Materials and Structures. 31(1):015041. https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-665X/ac3da1
- • Y.-T. Choi and N.M. Wereley (2022). “Controllable Stress of Magnetorheological Fluid Elastomeric Encapsulations.” IEEE Trans. Magnetics. 58(2):4600410. https://doi.org/10.1109/TMAG.2021.3085588
- • J.J. Park, A. Becnel, A.B. Flatau and N.M. Wereley (2022). “Magnetic Particle Reinforced Elastomer Composites for Additive Manufacturing.” IEEE Trans. Magnetics. 58(2):2500905. https://doi.org/10.1109/TMAG.2021.3084506
• J.J. Park, J. Howard, A. Edery, M. DeMay, N.M. Wereley (2021). “Bilayer glass foam with tunable energy absorbing property by localizing voids density.” Advanced Engineering Materials. 23(9):2100105. https://doi.org/10.1002/adem.202100105
• J.R. Scalea, A. Pucciarella, T. Talaie, S. Restaino, C.B. Drachenberg, C. Alexander, T.A. Qaoud, R.N. Barth, N.M. Wereley, and M. Scassero (2021). “Successful Implementation of Unmanned Aircraft Use for Delivery of a Human Organ for Transplantation.” Annals of Surgery. 274(3):e282-e288. https://doi.org/10.1097/sla.0000000000003630
• J. Burnett*, Y.-T. Choi, Hua Li, N.M. Wereley, and J.-K. Shim (2021). “Vibration Suppression of a Composite Prosthetic Foot Using Piezo-electric Shunt Damping: Implication to Vibration-Induced Cumulative Trauma.” IEEE Trans. Biomedical Engineering. 68(9):2741-2751. https://doi.org/10.1109/TBME.2021.3053374
• J. Chambers* and N.M. Wereley (2021). “Photogrammetric Measurement and Analysis of the Shape Profile of Pneumatic Artificial Muscles.” MDPI Actuators. 10(4):72.https://doi.org/10.3390/act10040072
• M. Wang*, Z. Chen, H. Yan, Y.-T. Choi and N.M. Wereley (2021). “Optimal control of drop-induced shock mitigation using magnetorheological energy absorbers considering quadratic damping.” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. https://doi.org/10.1177/1045389X21993920
• J. Garbulinski*, S. Balasankula* and N.M. Wereley (2021). “Characterization and Analysis of Extensile Fluidic Artificial Muscles.” MDPI Actuators. 10(2):26.https://doi.org/10.3390/act10020026
• M. Wang, Z. Chen, N.M. Wereley (2021). “Adaptive magnetorheological energy absorber control method for drop-induced shock mitigation.” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 32(4):449-461. https://doi.org/10.1177/1045389X20957100
• J. Chambers and N.M. Wereley (2021). “Influence of hydraulic versus pneumatic working fluids on quasi-static force response of fluidic artificial muscles.” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 32(3):385-396. https://doi.org/10.1177/1045389X21991927
• Q. Guan, J. Sun, Y. Liu, N.M. Wereley, and J. Leng (2021). “Characterization and Nonlinear Models of Bending Extensile/Contractile Pneumatic Artificial Muscles.” Smart Materials and Structures. 30(2):025024. https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-665X/abd4b0
M. Wang, Z.-B. Chen, N.M. Wereley (2020). "Adaptive Magnetorheological Energy Absorber Control Method for Drop-Induced Shock Mitigation." Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. At Press.
W.M. Zhong, A.D. Zhu, X.X. Bai, N.M. Wereley, and N. Zhang (2020). "Modeling and control a shock absorber with both tunable inertance and damping." Frontiers in Materials: Smart Materials. July. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmats.2020.00204
Q. Guan, J. Sun, Y. Liu, N.M. Wereley, J. Leng (2020). "Novel Bending and Helical Extensile/Contractile Pneumatic Artificial Muscles Inspired by Elephant Trunk." Soft Robotics, Vol. 3, No. 4. https://doi.org/10.1089/soro.2019.0079
- J.R. Scalea, A. Pucciarella, T. Talaie, S. Restaino, C.B. Drachenberg, C. Alexander, T.A. Qaoud, R.N. Barth, N.M. Wereley, and M. Scassero (2019). “Successful Implementation of Unmanned Aircraft Use for Delivery of a Human Organ for Transplantation.” Annals of Surgery. https://doi.org/10.1097/sla.0000000000003630
- M. Wang, Z. Chen, N.M. Wereley (2019). “Magnetorheological Damper Design to Improve Vibration Mitigation Under a Volume Constraint.” Smart Materials and Structures. 28(11):114003. https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-665X/ab4704
- Z. Yu, T.E. Pillsbury, G. Wang, and N.M. Wereley (2019). "Hyperelastic Analysis of Pneumatic Artificial Muscle with Filament-Wound Sleeve and Coated Outer Layer.” Smart Materials and Structures. 28(10):105019 https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-665X/ab300d
- J.J. Park, J.M. Howard, A. Edery, M. Demay and N.M. Wereley (2019). “Process parameter effects on cellular structured materials using hollow glass spheres.” Material Processes and Manufacturing. 34(9):1026-1034. https://doi.org/10.1080/10426914.2019.1594256
- C. Hartzell, Y.-T. Choi, N.M. Wereley, T. Leps (2019). “Performance of a Magnetorheological Fluid-Based Robotic End Effector." Smart Materials and Structures. 28(3):035030. https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-665X/aafe2b
- M. Wen, J. Chambers, S.G. Sherman, and N.M. Wereley (2019). “Monitoring sedimentation of magnetorheological fluids using a vertical axis monitoring system with a low aspect ratio sensor coil.” Smart Materials and Structures. 28(2):025039. http://doi.org/10.1088/1361-665X/aaf757
- X.-X. Bai, S. Shen, N.M. Wereley, D.-H. Wang (2019). “Controllability of magnetorheological shock absorber: I. Insights, modeling and simulation.” Smart Materials and Structures. 28(1):015022. http://doi.org/10.1088/1361-665X/aaf072
- J.R. Scalea, S. Restaino, M. Scassero, G. Blankenship, S.T. Bartlett, and N.M. Wereley (2018). “An Initial Investigation of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) and Real-Time Organ Status Measurement for Transporting Human Organs.” IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine. 19:962-964. http://doi.org/10.1109/JTEHM.2018.2875704
- J.R. Scalea, S. Restaino, M. Scassero, S.T. Bartlett and N.M. Wereley (2018). “The Final Frontier? Exploring Organ Transportation by Drone.” American Journal of Transplantation.http://doi.org/10.1111/ajt.15113
- Y. Zhu, X. Yang,and N.M. Wereley (2018) “Theoretical and Experimental Investigations for a Magnetostrictive Electro-Hydrostatic Actuator.” Smart Materials and Structures. 27(10):105043.http://doi.org/10.1088/1361-665X/aad071
- S.-M. Na, J.-J. Park, N. Jones, N.M. Wereley, A.B. Flatau (2018). “Magnetostrictive Whisker Sensor Application of Carbon Fiber-Alfenol Composites.” Smart Materials and Structures. 27(10):105010. http://doi.org/10.1088/1361-665X/aad8c5
- R.D. Vocke III, C.S. Kothera, N.M. Wereley (2018). “Chordwise Implementation of Pneumatic Artificial Muscles to Actuate a Trailing Edge Flap.” Smart Materials and Structures. 27(7):075040.http://doi.org/10.1088/1361-665X/aac0b9
- Haibin Cheng, Ming Wang*, Chaosheng Liu, and N.M. Wereley (2018). “Improving Sedimentation Stability of Magnetorheological Fluids Using an Organic Molecular Particle Coating.” Smart Materials and Structures. 27(7):075030 (10 pp.).http://doi.org/10.1088/1361-665X/aabf13
- N.M. Wereley, C. Perez, Y.-T. Choi (2018). “Strain-dependent dynamic compressive properties of magnetorheological elastomeric foams.” AIP Advances. 8(5): 056721.http://doi.org/10.1063/1.5007266
- Y.-T. Choi, C.M. Hartzell, T. Leps* and N.M. Wereley (2018). “Gripping characteristics of an electromagnetically activated magnetorheological fluid-based gripper.” AIP Advances, 8(5):056701. http://doi.org/10.1063/1.5006094
- T.E. Pillsbury, N.M. Wereley, Q. Guan (2017). “Comparison of Contractile and Extensile Pneumatic Artificial Muscles.” Smart Materials and Structures. 26(9):095034. http://doi.org/10.1088/1361-665X/aa7257
- X.-X. Bai, N.M. Wereley and D.-H. Wang (2016). “Control and Analysis of a Magnetorheological Energy Absorber For Both Shock And Vibration.” International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration. 22(1):104-110. http://doi.org/10.20855/ijav.2017.22.1456
- L.-J. Qian, F.L. Xin, X.-X. Bai, and N.M. Wereley (2016). “State Observation Based Control Algorithm for Dynamic Vibration Absorbing Systems Featuring Magnetorheological Elastomers: Principle and Analysis.” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 28(18):2539-2556. http://doi.org/10.1177/1045389X17692047
- A.C. Becnel and N.M. Wereley (2017). “Using Mason Number to Predict Damper Performance from Limited Test Data.” AIP Advances. 7(5):056725. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4977226
- J. Chambers, and N.M. Wereley (2016). “Vertical Axis Inductance Monitoring System to Measure Stratification in a Column of Magnetorheological Fluid.” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. MAGCON-16-05-0008.R1. 53(1):4600205. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TMAG.2016.2606345
- B.E. Powers, N.M. Wereley and Y.-T. Choi (2016). “Analysis of Impact Loads in a Magnetorheological Energy Absorber Using a Bingham Plastic Model with Refined Minor Loss Factors Accounting for Turbulent Transition.” Meccanica, 51(12):3043-3054. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11012-016-0552-6
- L.A. Ahuré-Powell, Y.-T. Choi, W. Hu, N.M. Wereley (2016). “Nonlinear Modeling of Adaptive Magnetorheological Landing Gear Dampers under Impact Conditions.” Smart Materials and Structures. 25(11):115011 http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0964-1726/25/11/115011
- S.A. DeLaHunt, T.E. Pillsbury*, and N.M. Wereley (2016). “Variable recruitment in bundles of miniature pneumatic artificial muscles.” Bioinspiration and Biomimetics. 11(5):056-14. http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1748-3190/11/5/056014
- Y. Zhu, X. Yang, and N.M. Wereley (2016). “Research on Hysteresis Loop Considering the Prestress Effect and Electrical Input Dynamics for a Giant Magnetostrictive Actuator.” Smart Materials and Structures. 25(8):85030-85044 http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0964-1726/25/8/085030
- Y.-T. Choi, R.M. Robinson, W. Hu, N.M. Wereley, T.S. Birchette, A.O. Bolukbasi, and J. Woodhouse (2016). “Analysis and Control of a Magnetorheological Landing Gear System for a Helicopter.” Journal of the American Helicopter Society. 61(3):(8 pages) http://dx.doi.org/10.4050/JAHS.61.032006
- N. Golinelli A.C. Becnel, A. Spaggiari, and N.M. Wereley (2016). “Experimental Characterization of Magnetorheological Fluids Using a Custom Searle Magnetorheometer: Influence of the Rotor Shape.” IEEE Trans. on Magnetics. 52(7):4600304. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TMAG.2016.2515983
- L. Xie, Y.-T. Choi, C.-R. Liao and N.M. Wereley (2016). “Long term stability of magnetorheological fluids using high viscosity linear polysiloxane carrier fluids.” Smart Materials and Structures. 25(7):075006. http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0964-1726/25/7/075006
- Ho-Kyeong Jeong, Juho Lee, Jae-Hung Han, and Norman M. Wereley (2016). “Design of frequency tunable mesh washer isolators using shape memory alloy actuators.” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 27(9):1265–1280. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1045389X15588629
- H. Cheng, X. Zhang, G. Liu, W. Ma, N.M. Wereley (2016). “Measuring the sedimentation rate in a magnetorheological fluid column via thermal conductivity monitoring." Smart Materials and Structures. 25(5):055007. http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0964-1726/25/5/055007
- X.X. Bai, N.M. Wereley, and Y.-T. Choi, and (2016). “Magnetorheological energy absorber with dual concentric annular valves.” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 27(7):944-958. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1045389X15577659
- Y.-T. Choi, L. Xie, and N.M. Wereley (2016). “Testing and analysis of magnetorheological fluid sedimentation in a column using a vertical axis inductance monitoring system.” Smart Materials and Structures. 25(4):04LT01 (11 pages).http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0964-1726/25/4/04LT01
- R.M. Robinson, C.S. Kothera, R.M. Sanner, and N.M. Wereley (2016). “Nonlinear Control of Robotic Manipulators Driven by Pneumatic Artificial Muscles.” IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics. 21(1):55-68. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TMECH.2015.2483520
- A. Wissa, J. Calogero, N.M. Wereley, J.E. Hubbard and M. Frecker (2015). “Analytical Model and Stability Analysis of the Leading Edge Spar of a Passively Morphing Ornithopter Wing.” Bioinspiration and Biomimetics. 10(6):065003. http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1748-3190/10/6/065003
- T.E. Pillsbury, C.S. Kothera, and N.M. Wereley (2015). “Effect of Bladder Wall Thickness on Miniature Pneumatic Artificial Muscle Performance.” Bioinspiration and Biomimetics. 10(5): 055006. http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1748-3190/10/5/055006
- R.M. Robinson, C.S. Kothera, and N.M. Wereley (2015). “Variable Recruitment of Pneumatic Artificial Muscles for Robotic Manipulators.” IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics. 20(4):1642-1652.h ttp://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TMECH.2014.2341660
- Y. Zhang, N.M. Wereley, W. Hu, M. Hong and W. Zhang (2015). “Magnetic Circuit Analyses and Turning Chatter Suppression Based on a Squeeze-Mode Magnetorheological Damping Turning Tool.” Shock and Vibration, Article ID 304698 (7 pages).http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/304698
- H.J. Singh and N.M. Wereley (2015). “Influence of Occupant Compliance on Performance of a Vertically Stroking Helicopter Crew Seat Suspension.” AIAA Journal of Aircraft. 52(4): 1286-1297. http://dx.doi.org/10.2514/1.C032910
- R.D. Vocke III, C.S. Kothera, and N.M. Wereley (2015). “Development of a Quasi-Static Span-Extending Blade Tip for a Morphing Helicopter Rotor.” AIAA Journal of Aircraft. 52(3):792-804. http://dx.doi.org/10.2514/1.C032729
- R.M Robinson, C.S. Kothera, and N.M. Wereley (2015). “Quasi-static Nonlinear Response of Pneumatic Artificial Muscles for Agonistic and Antagonistic Actuation Modes.” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 26(7):796–809. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1045389X14533440
- L. Xie, Y.-T. Choi, C.-R. Liao, and N.M. Wereley (2015). “Characterization of stratification for an opaque highly stable magnetorheological fluid using vertical axis inductance monitoring system.” Journal of Applied Physics. 117, 17C754. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4918629
- S.G. Sherman, L.A. Powell*, A.C. Becnel, and N.M. Wereley (2015). “Scaling Temperature Dependent Rheology of Magnetorheological Fluids.” Journal of Applied Physics. 117, 17C751. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4918628
- L.M. Armijo, L.A. Powell, and N.M. Wereley (2015). “Rheological Characterization of a Magnetorheological Ferrofluid Using Iron Nitride Nanoparticles.” Journal of Applied Physics. 117, 17C747. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4916939
- X.-X. Bai, W. Hu, and N.M. Wereley (2015). “Maximizing Semi-Active Vibration Isolation Utilizing a Magnetorheological Damper with an Inner Bypass Configuration.” Journal of Applied Physics. 117(7):17C711.
- A.C. Becnel, S.G. Sherman, W. Hu and N.M. Wereley (2015). “Squeeze Strengthening of Magnetorheological Fluids Using Mixed Mode Operation.” Journal of Applied Physics. 117(7):17C706.
- C. Magnet, M. Akouala, P. Kuzhir, G. Bossis, A. Zubarev and N.M. Wereley (2015). “Closed-Circuit Magnetic Separation of Nanoparticles on a Packed Bed of Spheres.” Journal of Applied Physics. 117(7):17C719.
- G. Wang, N.M. Wereley, and T.E. Pillsbury (2015). “Nonlinear Quasi-Static Model of Pneumatic Artificial Muscle Actuators.” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 26(5):541-553.
- S.G. Sherman, A.C. Becnel, and N.M. Wereley (2015). “Relating Mason Number to Bingham Number in Magnetorheological Fluids.” J. Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 380:98-104.
- A.C. Becnel, S.G. Sherman*, W. Hu, and N.M. Wereley (2015). “Nondimensional Scaling of Magnetorheological Rotary Shear Mode Devices Using the Mason Number.” J. Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 380:90-97.
- H.J. Singh, and N.M. Wereley (2015). “Biodynamic Model of a Seated Occupant Exposed to Intense Vertical Impacts.” AIAA Journal. 52(2):426-435.
- Y.T. Choi and N.M. Wereley (2015). “Drop-induced shock mitigation using adaptive magnetorheological energy absorbers incorporating a time lag.” ASME Journal of Vibrations and Acoustics. 137(1):011015 (7 pages).
- R.D. Vocke III*, C.S. Kothera, and N.M. Wereley (2014). “Mechanism and Bias Considerations for Design of a Bi-directional Pneumatic Artificial Muscle Actuator.” Smart Materials and Structures. 23(12):125039.
- H.J. Singh, W. Hu, N.M. Wereley and W. Glass (2014). “Experimental validation of a magnetorheological energy absorber optimized for shock and impact loads.” Smart Materials and Structures. 23(12):125033.
- H. B. Cheng, P. Zhang, Q. J. Zhang, J. F. Wu, Y. W. Dai, W. Hu and N. M. Wereley (2014). "Effects of Surface Modification on the Stability of Suspension and Thermal Conductivity Enhancement of Composite Fe Nanofluids." IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 50(11):4600604.
- A.C. Becnel, W. Hu and N.M. Wereley (2014). “Mason Number Analysis of a Magnetorheological Fluid Based Rotary Energy Absorber.” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 50(11):4600704.
- H.J. Song, Y.-T. Choi, N.M. Wereley, and A. Purekar (2014). “Comparison of Monolithic and Composite Piezoelectric Material-Based Energy Harvesting Devices.” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 25(14):1825-1837.
- B.K.S. Woods, C.S. Kothera, G. Wang, and N.M. Wereley (2014). “The Dynamics of a Pneumatic Artificial Muscle Actuation Systems Driving a Trailing Edge Flap.” Smart Materials and Structures. 23(9):095014.
- Y.-T. Choi and N.M. Wereley (2014). “Analysis of Flow Mode Magnetorheological Dampers with an Eccentric Gap.” Advances in Mechanical Engineering. 2014:931683 (7 pages).
- G.T. Ngatu, H.J. Singh, N.M. Wereley, and C.S. Kothera (2014). “Hydromechanical Analysis of Fluid-Elastomeric Lag Dampers Including Subzero Temperatures.” AIAA Journal of Aircraft. 51(3):1056-1061.
- R.M. Robinson, C.S. Kothera (2014). “Control of a Heavy-Lift Robotic Manipulator with Pneumatic Artificial Muscles.” Actuators. 3(2):41-65.
- B.K.S. Woods, C.S. Kothera, and N.M. Wereley (2014). “Whirl Testing of a Pneumatic Artificial Muscle Actuation System for a Full-Scale Active Rotor.” Journal of the American Helicopter Society. 59(2): 022006 (11 pp).
- X.-X. Bai and N.M. Wereley (2014). “A Fail-Safe Magnetorheological Energy Absorber for Shock and Vibration Isolation.” Journal of Applied Physics. 115, 17B535 DOI: 10.1063/1.4870316
- W. Hu, N.M. Wereley, G.J. Hiemenz, and G.T. Ngatu (2014). “Behavior of Magnetorheological Energy Absorbers at High Piston Velocities.” Journal of Applied Physics. 115, 17B533. DOI: 10.1063/1.4869282.
- G. McLaughlin, W. Hu, and N.M. Wereley (2014). “Advanced Magnetorheological Damper with a Spiral Channel Bypass Valve.” Journal of Applied Physics. 115, 17B532. DOI: 10.1063/1.4869278.
- S.G. Sherman and N.M. Wereley (2014). "Performance of Magnetorheological Fluids Beyond the Chain Based Shear Limit." Journal of Applied Physics, 115, 17B523. DOI: 10.1063/1.4867963.
- Y.-W. Park, H.-S. Kang, and N.M. Wereley (2014). "Conceptual Design of Rotary Magnetostrictive Energy Harvester." Journal of Applied Physics, 115, 17E713. DOI: 10.1063/1.4865976.
- H.J. Singh, and N.M. Wereley (2014). “Optimal Control of Gun Recoil in Direct Fire Using Magnetorheological Absorbers.” Smart Materials and Structures. 23(5):055009. DOI: 10.1088/ 0964-1726/23/5/055009
- B.K.S. Woods, M.I. Friswell and N.M. Wereley (2014). “Advanced Kinematic Tailoring for Morphing Aircraft Actuation.” AIAA Journal. 52(4):788-798. DOI: 10.2514/1.J052808/.
- B.K.S. Woods, S.M. Boyer, E.G. Hocking, N.M. Wereley and C.S. Kothera (2014). “Contractile Pneumatic Artificial Muscle Configured to Generate Extension.” ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement and Control. 136(3):034501 DOI: 10.1115/1.4026308.
- M. Mao, W. Hu, Y.-T. Choi, N.M. Wereley, A.L. Browne, and J. Ulicny (2014). “Experimental Validation of a Magnetorheological Energy Absorber Design Analysis.” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 25(3):352-363. DOI: 10.1177/1045389X13494934
- H.J. Singh and N.M. Wereley (2013). “Adaptive Magnetorheological Shock Isolation Mounts for Drop-induced Impacts.” Smart Materials and Structures. 22(12):122001 (10 pp). DOI: 10.1088/0964-1726/22/12/122001.
- K. Kothari, R. Radhakrishnan, N.M. Wereley and T.S. Sudarshan (2013). “Rapid Consolidation of Gamma Titanium Aluminide Powders Attrition Milled to Submicron Scale.” Materials and Manufacturing Processes. 28(11):1171-1178. DOI: 10.1080/10426914.2013.812216
- M. Mao, W. Hu, Y.-T. Choi, N.M. Wereley, A.L. Browne, J. Ulicny, and N.L. Johnson (2013). “Nonlinear Modeling of Magnetorheological Energy Absorbers Under Impact Conditions.” Smart Materials and Structures. 22(11):115015 (12pages). DOI:10.1088/0964-1726/22/11/115015
- Y. T. Choi and N.M. Wereley (2013). “Semi-Active Magnetorheological Refueling Probe for Aerial Refueling Events.” Smart Materials and Structures. 22(9): 092001. Doi: 10.10.1088/0964-1726/22/9/092001.
- N. Wilson*, N.M. Wereley, W. Hu, and G.J. Hiemenz (2013). “Analysis of a Magnetorheological Damper Incorporating Temperature Dependence.” International Journal of Vehicle Design. 63(2-3):137-158.
- J. S. Park, O.K. Oh, Y.W. Park, and N.M. Wereley (2013). “A Novel Concept and Proof of Magnetostrictive Motor.” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 49(7): 3379-3382. doi: 10.1109/TMAG.2013.2241402.
- S. G. Sherman* and N.M. Wereley (2013). “Effects of Particle Size Distribution on Chain Structures in Magnetorheological Fluids.” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 49(7):3430-3433. doi: 10. 1109/TMAG.2013.2245409.
- X. Bai*, W. Hu, and N.M. Wereley (2013). “Magnetorheological Damper Utilizing an Inner Bypass for Ground Vehicle Suspensions.” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 49(7):3422-3425. doi: 10.1109/TMAG.2013.2241402
- B. K. S. Woods*, Y. T. Choi, C.S. Kothera, and N.M. Wereley (2013). “Control System Development for Pneumatic Artificial Muscle Driven Active Rotor Systems.” AIAA J. Guidance, Control, and Dynamics. 36(4):1177-1185. doi: 10.2514/1.56528
- L. A. Powell*, W. Hu, and N. M. Wereley (2013). “Magnetorheological Fluid Composites Synthesized for Helicopter Landing Gear Applications.” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 24(9):1041-1046. doi: 10.1177/1045389X13476153.
- E. G. Hocking* and N. M. Wereley (2013). “Analysis of nonlinear elastic behavior in miniature pneumatic artificial muscles.” Smart Materials and Structures. 22(1):014016. doi: 10.1088/0964-1716/22/1/014016.
- H.J. Singh* and N.M. Wereley (2013). “Adaptive Magnetorheological Shock Isolation Mounts for Drop-induced Impacts.” Smart Materials and Structures. 22(12):122001 (10 pp). DOI: 10.1088/0964-1726/22/12/122001.
- K. Kothari, R. Radhakrishnan, N.M. Wereley and T.S. Sudarshan (2013). “Rapid Consolidation of Gamma Titanium Aluminide Powders Attrition Milled to Submicron Scale.” Materials and Manufacturing Processes. 28(11):1171-1178. DOI: 10.1080/10426914.2013.812216
- M. Mao*, W. Hu, Y.-T. Choi, N.M. Wereley, A.L. Browne, J. Ulicny, and N.L. Johnson (2013). “Nonlinear Modeling of Magnetorheological Energy Absorbers Under Impact Conditions.” Smart Materials and Structures. 22(11):115015 (12pages). DOI:10.1088/0964-1726/22/11/115015
- K. Kothari*, R. Radhakrishnan, N.M. Wereley (2012). “Advances in Gamma Titanium Aluminides and their Manufacturing Techniques.” Progress in Aerospace Sciences. 34:1–16. doi: 10.1016/j.paerosci.2012.04.001
- G.T. Ngatu*, N.M. Wereley and C.S. Kothera (2012). “Hydromechanical Analysis of a Fluid-Elastomeric Lag Damper Incorporating Temperature Effects.” AIAA Journal of Aircraft, 49(5):1212-1221. doi: 10.2514/1.C031144
- S. Sherman* and N.M. Wereley (2012). “Parallel Simulation of Transient Magnetorheological Direct Shear Flows Using Millions of Particles.” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 48(11):3517-3520. doi: 10.1109/TMAG.2012.2201214
- A.C. Becnel*, W. Hu and N.M. Wereley (2012). “Measurement of Magnetorheological Fluid Properties at Shear Rates of up to 25,000 s-1.” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 48(11):3525-3528, doi: 10.1109/TMAG.2012.2207707.
- L.A. Powell*, N.M. Wereley, and J. Ulicny (2012). “Magnetorheological Fluids Employing Substitution of Nonmagnetic for Magnetic Particles to Increase Yield Stress.” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 48(11):3764-3767. doi: 10.1109/TMAG.2012.2202885
- K. Kothari*, R. Radhakrishnan, N.M. Wereley (2012). “Characterization of Rapidly Consolidated gamma-TiAl.” Advances in Materials Research. 1(1):51-74.
- A. Chaudhuri* and N.M. Wereley (2012). “Compact Hybrid Electro-Hydraulic Actuators Using Smart Materials: A Review.” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 23(6):597-634. doi:10.1177/1045389X11418862.C. Schultz, D.L. Kunz, and N.M. Wereley (2011). “Cramer-Rao Bound Development for Linear Time Periodic Systems.” ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, 133(1):011001 (10 pages) DOI:10.1115/1.4002104
- B.K.S. Woods*, M.F. Gentry**, C.S. Kothera and N.M. Wereley (2011). “Fatigue Life Testing of Swaged Pneumatic Artificial Muscles as Actuators for Aerospace Applications.” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 23(3):327-343. doi:10.1177/1045389X11433495.
- R.D. Vocke III*, C.S. Kothera, B.K.S. Woods*, and N.M. Wereley (2011). “Design and Testing of a High Specific Work Actuator Using Miniature Pneumatic Artificial Muscles.” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 23(3):365-378. doi:10.1177/1045389X11431743.
- C. Schultz, D.L. Kunz, and N.M. Wereley (2011). “Cramer-Rao Bound Development for Linear Time Periodic Systems.” ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, 133(1):011001 (10 pages) DOI:10.1115/1.4002104.
- K. Kothari*, R. Radhakrishnan and N.M. Wereley (2011). “Characterization of Rapidly Consolidated Titanium Diboride.” ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 133(2):024501 (4 pages). DOI: 10.1115/1.4003599.
- W. Hu and N.M. Wereley (2011). “Behavior of MR Fluids at High Shear Rates.” International Journal of Modern Physics B, 25(7):979–985. 20-Mar-2011. DOI: 10.1142/S0217979211058535.
- N.M. Wereley, G. Wang and A. Chaudhuri* (2011). “Demonstration of Uniform Cantilevered Beam Bending Vibration Using a Pair of Piezoelectric Actuators.” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 22(4):307-316. DOI:10.1177/1045389X10379661
- N.M. Wereley, Y.-T. Choi and H. Singh* (2011). “Adaptive Energy Absorbers for Drop-Induced Shock Mitigation.” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 22(6):515-519. DOI: 10.1177/1045389X10393767.
- C.S. Kothera, G.T. Ngatu*, and N.M. Wereley (2011) “Control Evaluations of a Magnetorheological Fluid Elastomeric (MRFE) Lag Damper for Helicopter Rotor Blades.” AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics. 34(4):1143-1156. DOI: 10.2514/1.51434.
- R.D. Vocke III*, C.S. Kothera, B.K.S. Woods*, and N.M. Wereley (2011). “Development and Testing of a Span-Extending Morphing Wing.” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 22(9):879-890. DOI: 10.1177/1045389X11411121.
- B.K.S. Woods*, C.S. Kothera, J. Sirohi and N.M. Wereley (2011). “Pneumatic Artificial Muscles for Trailing Edge Flap Actuation: A Feasibility Study.” Smart Materials and Structures. 20(10):105021. doi: 10.1088/0964-1726/20/10/105021.
- R.M. Robinson*, C.S. Kothera , B.K.S. Woods*, R.D. Vocke III*, and N.M. Wereley (2011). “High Specific Power Actuators for Robotic Manipulators.” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 22(13):1501-1511. doi:10.1177/1045389X11417653.
- B.K.S. Woods*, N.M. Wereley, and C.S. Kothera (2011). “Wind Tunnel Testing of a Helicopter Rotor Trailing Edge Flap Actuated via Pneumatic Artificial Muscles.” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 22(13):1513-1528. doi:10.1177/1045389X11424216.
- G. Wang and N.M. Wereley (2011). “Analysis of Fly Fishing Rod Casting Dynamics.” Shock and Vibration. 18(6): 839-855. doi: 10.3233/SAV-2010-0605.2010
- E.A. Bubert*, B.K.S. Woods*, C. Kothera, and N.M. Wereley (2010). “Design and Fabrication of a Passive 1-D Morphing Skin.” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 21(17):1697-1698. DOI: 10.1177/1045389X10393157.
- O.Padalka, H.J. Song, N.M. Wereley, J. Filer II**, R.C. Bell (2010). “Stiffness and Damping in Fe, Co, and Ni Nanowire-Based Magnetorheological Elastomeric Composite.” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 46(3): 2275 – 2277. DOI: 10.1109/TMAG.2010.2044759.
- R. Robinson*, W. Hu, and N.M. Wereley (2010). “Linking Porosity and Tortuosity to Performance of a Magneto-Rheological Damper Employing a Valve Filled with Porous Media.” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 46(3):2156-2159. DOI: 10.1109/TMAG.2010.2043648.
- H.B. Cheng, L. Zuo, J.H. Song, Q.J. Zhang, and N.M. Wereley (2010). “Magnetorheology and Sedimentation Behavior of an Aqueous Suspension of Surface Modified Carbonyl Iron Particles.” Journal of Applied Physics, 107(9):09B507 (3 pages). DOI:10.1063/1.3358613.
- G. Cha, Y.S. Ju, L.A. Ahuré*, N.M. Wereley (2010). “Experimental Characterization of Thermal Conductance Switching in Magnetorheological (MR) Fluids,” Journal of Applied Physics, 107(9):09B505 (3 pages). DOI:10.1063/1.3350906.
- H.-J. Song, Y.-T. Choi, N.M. Wereley, and A.S. Purekar (2010). “Energy Harvesting Devices Using Macro-Fiber Composite Materials.” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 21: pp. 647-658. DOI: 10.1177/1045389X10361633.
- G.T. Ngatu*, W. Hu, N.M. Wereley and C. Kothera (2010) “Adaptive Snubber-Type Magnetorheological Fluid-Elastomeric Helicopter Lag Damper.” AIAA Journal. 48(3):598–610. DOI: 10.2514/1.43356.
- Y.-M. Han, K.-G. Sung, S.-B. Choi and N.M. Wereley (2010). “Damping Force Characteristics of ER Shock Absorbers with Different Electrode Gap, Length, and Material.” IMechE Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science. 224(2):293-304. DOI: 10.1243/09544062JMES1665.
- A. Chaudhuri* and N.M. Wereley (2010). “Experimental Validation of a Hybrid Electrostrictive Hydraulic Actuator Analysis.” ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics. 132(2):021006 (11 pages) ?DOI:10.1115/1.4000778.
- V. Gentzen*, Y.-T. Choi, A. Purekar, and N.M. Wereley (2010). “Experimental Detection and Quantitative Interrogation of Damage in a Jointed Composite Structure.” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 21(3):275-283. DOI: 10.1177/1045389X09357253.
- S. John*, N.M. Wereley, and J. Sirohi (2009). “Development of a Piezohydraulic Active Pitch Link for a Swashplateless Helicopter Rotor.” AIAA Journal of Aircraft. 46(1):328–331. DOI: 10.2514/1.36661.
- N.C. Rosenfeld* and N.M. Wereley (2009). “Time-Periodic Stability of a Flapping Insect Wing Structure in Hover.” AIAA J. Aircraft. 46(2):450–464. DOI: 10.2514/1.34938.
- H. Cheng, J.M. Wang, Q.J. Zhang and N.M. Wereley (2009). “Preparation of Composite Magnetic Particles and Aqueous Magnetorheological Fluids.” Smart Materials and Structures. 18(8):085009 (6pp). DOI:10.1088/0964-1726/18/8/085009.
- A. Chaudhuri*, J.H. Yoo, and N.M. Wereley (2009). “Design, Test and Model of a Hybrid Magnetostrictive Hydraulic Actuator.” Smart Materials and Structures. 18(8):085019 (21pp). DOI:10.1088/0964-1726/18/8/085019.
- D.T. Zimmerman, R.C. Bell, J.A. Filer II**, J.O. Karli** and N.M. Wereley (2009). “Elastic Percolation Transition in Nanowire-based Magnetorheological Fluids.” Applied Physics Letters. 95(6 July):014102 (3 pp). DOI: 10.1063/1.3167815.
- Y.-T. Choi and N.M. Wereley (2009). “Self-Powered Magnetorheological Dampers.” ASME J. Vibration and Acoustics. 31(4):044501 (5 pp). DOI: 10.1115/1.3142882.
- H.J. Song, Y.-T. Choi, G. Wang, and N.M. Wereley (2009). “Energy Harvesting Using Single Crystal PMN-PT Material.” ASME Journal of Mechanical Design. 131:091008 (8 pp). DOI:10.1115/1.3160311.
- C. Kothera, M. Jangid*, J. Sirohi and N.M. Wereley (2009). “Experimental Characterization and Static Modeling of McKibben Actuators.” ASME Journal of Mechanical Design. 131:091010 (10 pp). DOI: 10.1115/1.3158982.
- H. J. Song, Y.-T. Choi, A.S. Purekar and N.M. Wereley (2009). “Performance Evaluation of Multi-Tier Energy Harvesters Using Macro-Fiber Composite Patches.” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 20(17):2077-2088. DOI: 10.1177/1045389X09347017.
- S. John*, A. Chaudhuri*, C. Cadou and N.M. Wereley (2009). “Unsteady Fluid Flow in Hybrid Hydraulic Actuators.” Journal Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 20(18): 2201-2214. DOI: 10.1177/1045389X09348926.
- H. B. Cheng, P. Hou, Q.J. Zhang and N. M. Wereley (2009). "Effect of Storage and Ball Milling on the Sedimentation and Rheology of a Novel Magnetorheological Fluid." Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 11th Conference on Electrorheological Fluids and Magnetorheological Suspensions, 149:012043. Aug. 25-28, 2008. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/149/1/012043.
- H. B. Cheng, J. M. Wang, Q. J. Zhang and N. M. Wereley (2009). " Preparation and Characterization of Composite Magnetic Particles and Aqueous Magnetorheological Fluids." Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 11th Conference on Electrorheological Fluids and Magnetorheological Suspensions, 149:012044. Aug. 25-28, 2008. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/149/1/012044.
- G. J. Hiemenz, W. Hu and N. M. Wereley (2009). "Adaptive Magnetorheological Seat Suspension for the Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle." Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 11th Conference on Electrorheological Fluids and Magnetorheological Suspensions, 149:012054. Aug. 25-28, 2008. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/149/1/012054.
- W. Hu, R. Robinson and N.M. Wereley (2009). "A Design Strategy for Magnetorheological Dampers Using Porous Valves." Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 11th Conference on Electrorheological Fluids and Magnetorheological Suspensions, 149:012056. Aug. 25-28, 2008. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/149/1/012056.
- J.W. Sohn, S.B. Choi and N.M. Wereley (2009). Discrete-time Sliding Mode Control for MR Vehicle Suspension System." Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 11th Conference on Electrorheological Fluids and Magnetorheological Suspensions, 149:012080. Aug. 25-28, 2008. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/149/1/012080
- H.J. Song, N.M. Wereley, R.C. Bell, J.L. Planinsek and J.A. Filer II (2009). "Field Dependent Response of Magnetorheological Elastomers Utilizing Spherical Fe Particles Versus Fe Nanowires." Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 11th Conference on Electrorheological Fluids and Magnetorheological Suspensions, 149:012097. Aug. 25-28, 2008. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/149/1/012097.
- S. John*, A. Chaudhuri*, and N.M. Wereley (2008). “A Magnetorheological Actuation System: Test and Model.” Smart Materials and Structures. 17:025023 (15pp), Mar-Apr. DOI: 10.1088/0964-1726/17/2/025023
- Q.-H. Nguyen, S.-B. Choi, and N.M. Wereley (2008). “Optimal Design of Magnetorheological Valves via a Finite Element Method Considering Control Energy and a Time Constant.” Smart Materials and Structures. 17:025024 (12pp), Mar-Apr. DOI:10.1088/0964-1726/17/2/025024.
- S.-R. Hong, N.M. Wereley, Y.-T. Choi and S.-B. Choi (2008). “Analytical and Experimental Validation of a Nondimensional Bingham Model for Mixed Mode Magnetorheological Dampers.” Journal of Sound and Vibration. 312(3): 6 May 2008, Pages 399-417. DOI:10.1016/j.jsv.2007.07.087
- M. Brigley, Y.-T. Choi and N.M. Wereley (2008). “Experimental and Theoretical Development of Multiple Mode Magnetorheological Isolators.” AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics. 31(3):449-459. DOI: 10.2514/1.32969.
- W. Hu and N.M. Wereley (2008). “Rate-dependent Elasto-slide Model for Magnetorheological Damper.” AIAA Jornal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics. 31(3):479-489. DOI: 10.2514/1.32732.
- R. Grilli, R. Krishnan, N.M. Wereley and T. Sieg (2008). “Mechanisms-Based Analysis of Filled Elastomeric Dampers Under Single and Dual Frequency Excitations.” Journal of American Helicopter Society. 53(3):252-266.
- G.J. Hiemenz, W. Hu, and N.M. Wereley (2008). “Semi-Active Magnetorheological Helicopter Crew Seat Suspension for Vibration Isolation.” AIAA Journal Aircraft. 45(3):945–953. May-Jun. DOI: 10.2514/1.32736.
- W. Hu and N.M. Wereley (2007). “Hybrid magnetorheological fluid elastomeric dampers for helicopter stability augmentation.” Smart Materials and Structures. 17:045021 (16 pp). DOI: 10.1088/0964-1726/17/4/045021.
- G. Ngatu, N.M. Wereley, J. Karli, and R.C. Bell (2008). “Dimorphic magnetorheological fluids: exploiting partial substitution of microspheres by nanowires.” Smart Materials and Structures. 17:045022 (8 pp). DOI: 10.1088/0964-1726/17/4/045022.
- S.-R. Hong, S. John, N.M. Wereley, Y.T. Choi and S.B. Choi (2008). “A unifying perspective on the quasi-steady analysis of magnetorheological dampers.” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 19(8): 959-976. DOI:10.1177/1045389X07082949.
- E.F. Burguera, B.J. Love, R. Sahul, G. Ngatu and N.M. Wereley (2008). “A physical basis for stability in bimodal dispersions including micrometer-sized particles and nanoparticles using both linear and non-linear models to describe yield.” Journal of Intelligent Systems and Structures. 19(11). DOI:10.1177/1045389X07086692.
- N.M. Wereley, J.-U. Cho*, Y.-T. Choi and S.B. Choi (2008). “Nondimensional Quasi-steady Analysis of Shear Mode Dampers.” Smart Materials and Structures. 17(015022):1-11, Jan-Feb. DOI: 10.1088/0964-1726/17/01/015022
- R.C. Bell, J.O. Karli**, A.N. Vavreck, D.T. Zimmerman, G.T. Ngatu*, and N.M. Wereley (2008). “Magnetorheology of submicron diameter microwires dispersed in silicon oil.” Smart Materials and Structures. 17(015028):1-6, Jan-Feb. DOI: 10.1088/0964-1726/17/01/015028.
- Y.-T. Choi and N.M. Wereley (2008). “Shock Isolation Systems Using Magnetorheological Dampers.” ASME Journal of Vibrations and Acoustics. 30(2):024503 (6 pages). DOI: 10.1115/1.2775517.
- N. Wereley (2008). “Quasi-Steady Herschel-Bulkley Analysis of Magnetorheological and Electrorheological Dampers.” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 19(3):257-268. DOI: 10.1177/1045389X07088107.
- W. Hu, N.M. Wereley, L. Chemouni, and P.C. Chen (2007). “Semi-active Linear Stroke Magnetorheological Fluid-Elastic (MRFE) Damper for Helicopter Main Rotor Blades.” AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics. Vol. 30, No. 2, pp. 565-575
- K. Kothari, R. Radhakrishnan, N.M. Wereley and S. Sudarshan (2007). "Microstructure And Mechanical Properties of Consolidated Gamma Titanium Aluminides." Powder Metallurgy. Vol. 50, No. 1, pp. 21-27.
- G. Hiemenz, Y.-T. Choi and N.M. Wereley (2006). “Semi-Active Control of a Vertical Stroking Helicopter Crew Seat For enhanced crashworthiness.” AIAA Journal of Aircraft. Vol. 44, No. 3, pp. 1031–1034. [DOI: 10.2514/1.26492].
- G.T. Ngatu and N.M. Wereley (2007). “Viscometric and Sedimentation Characterization of Bidisperse Magnetorheological Fluids.” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 43(6):2474-2476.
- W. Hu, E.B. Cook, and N.M. Wereley (2007). “Energy Absorber Using a Magnetorheological Bypass Valve Filled with Ferromagnetic Beads.” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. Vol. 43, No. 6, pp. 2695-2697.
- Y.-M. Han, S.-B. Choi and N.M. Wereley (2007). “Hysteretic Behavior of Magnetorheological Fluid and Identification Using Preisach Model,” J. Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 18(8):973-981
- S. John, J. Sirohi, G. Wang, and N.M. Wereley (2007). “Comparison of piezoelectric, magnetostrictive and electrostrictive hybrid hydraulic actuators.” J. Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 18(10):1035–1048.
- G.T. Ngatu and N.M. Wereley (2007). “High vs. Low Field Viscometric Characterization of Magnetorheological Fluids.” International Journal of Modern Physics B, 21(28-29):4922–4928.
- B. Woods, N. Nersessian, and N.M. Wereley. (2007). “Manufacture of Bulk Magnetorheological Elastomers Using Vacuum Assisted Resin Transfer Molding.” International Journal of Modern Physics B. 21(28-29):5010–5017.
- Q.-H. Nguyen, Y.-M. Han, S.B. Choi and N.M. Wereley(2007). “Geometry optimization of MR valves constrained in a specific volume using the finite element method.” Smart Materials and Structures, 16(6):2242-2252.
- M. Brigley, Y.-T. Choi, N.M. Wereley and S.-B. Choi (2007). “Magnetorheological Isolators Using Multiple Flow Modes.” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 18(12):1143-1148.
- E.B. Cook, W. Hu, and N.M. Wereley (2007). “Magnetorheological Bypass Damper Exploiting Flow Through A Porous Channel.” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 18(12):1197-1203.
- D. Woo, S.-B. Choi, S.-R. Hong, Y.-T. Choi, and N.M. Wereley (2007). “Frontal Crash Mitigation Using MR Impact Damper for Controllable Bumper.” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 18(12):1211-1215.
- M. Mao, W. Hu, Y.-T. Choi, and N.M. Wereley (2007). “A Magnetorheological Damper with Bifold Valves for Shock and Vibration Mitigation.” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 18(12):1227-1232.
- W. Hu and N.M. Wereley (2007). “A Distributed Rate-Dependent Elasto-Slide Model for Elastomeric Lag Dampers.” AIAA Journal of Aircraft. Vol. 44, No. 6. Nov.-Dec., pp. 1972-1984.
- D.-C. Chang, T. Nguyen, G. Wang and N.M. Wereley (2006). “Applications of the Poincare Inequality to Extended Kantorovich Method.” Journal of Inequalities and Applications. Vol. 2006, No. 32356, pp. 1-21. [paper: PDF; 614 Kb]
- Y.M. Han, J.Y. Jung, S.B. Choi, Y.T. Choi and N.M. Wereley (2006). “Ride Quality Investigation of an Electrorheological Seat Suspension to Minimize Human-Body Vibration.” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) Part D - Journal of Automobile Engineering. Vol. 220, No. 2, February, pp. 139-150.
- A. Chaudhuri, N.M. Wereley, R. Radhakrishnan, and S.B. Choi (2006). “Rheological Parameter Estimation for A Ferrous Nanoparticle-Based Magnetorheological Fluid Using Genetic Algorithms.” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. Vol. 17, No. 3, pp 261-269.
- N.M. Wereley, A. Chaudhuri, J.-H. Yoo, S. John, S. Kotha, A. Suggs, R. Radhakrishnan, B. Love, and T.S. Sudarshan (2006). “Bidisperse Magnetorheological Fluids Using Fe Particles at Nanometer and Micron Scale.” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. Vol. 17, No. 5, pp 393-401.
- S.-B. Choi, M.S. Cho, and N. M. Wereley (2006). “Wheel-Slip Control of a Passenger Vehicle Using Electrorheological Valve Pressure Modulator.” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering. Vol. 220, No. 5, pp. 519–529.
- S.R. Hong, G. Wang, W. Hu and N.M. Wereley (2006). “Liquid Spring Shock Absorber with Controllable Magnetorheological Damping.” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering. Vol. 220, No. 8, pp. 1019-1029.
- S. John, C. Cadou, J.-H. Yoo and N.M. Wereley (2006). “Application of CFD in the Design and Analysis of a Piezoelectric Hydraulic Pump.” Journal of Intelligent Materials Systems and Structures. Vol. 17, No. 11, pp. 967-979.
- L. Bitman, Y.-T. Choi, S.-B. Choi, N.M. Wereley (2005). “Electrorheological Damper Analysis Using an Eyring-Plastic Model.” Smart Materials and Structures. Vol. 14, No. 1, February, pp. 237–246.
- S.C. Lim, J.S. Park, S.B. Choi, Y.T. Choi and N.M. Wereley (2005). “Design and Analysis Program of Electorheological Devices for Vehicle Systems.” International Journal of Vehicle Autonomous Systems. Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 15-33.
- S.B. Choi, S.R. Hong and N.M. Wereley (2005). “Characteristics of MR Fluids and Their Application to Vibration Control: Examples of Applied Research and Research Trends,” Journal of the Korean Society of Noise and Vibration Engineers, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 9-19. (In Korean).
- G. Wang, N.M. Wereley, D.-C. Chang (2005). “Analysis of Bending Vibration of Rectangular Plates Using 2D Plate Modes,” AIAA Journal of Aircraft. Vol. 42, No. 2, March–April, pp. 542–550.
- S. B. Choi, H. J. Choi, Y. T. Choi and N. M. Wereley (2005). "Preparation and Mechanical Characteristics of Poly(methylaniline) Based Electrorheological Fluid." Journal of Applied Polymer Science. Vol. 96, No. 5, pp. 1924-1929.
- Y.-T. Choi, L. Bitman, and N.M. Wereley (2005). “Nondimensional Eyring Analysis of Electrorheological and Magnetorheological Dampers.” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. Vol. 16, No. 5, pp. 383-394.
- A. Chaudhuri, Norman M. Wereley, S. Kotha, R. Radhakrishnan and T.S. Sudarshan (2005). “Viscometric Characterization of Cobalt Nano-Particle-Based Magneto-rheological Fluids using Genetic Algorithms.” Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. Vol. 293, No. 1, May, pp. 206-214.
- Y.-T. Choi and N.M. Wereley (2005). “Mitigation of Biodynamic Response to Vibratory and Blast-Induced Shock Loads Using Magnetorheological Seat Suspensions.” IMechE Journal of Automobile Engineering. Vol. 219, No. 6, June, pp. 741-754.
- A. Chaudhuri, G. Wang, N.M. Wereley, V. Tasovski, and R. Radhakrishnan (2005). “Partial Substitution of Micron by Nanometer Scale Powders in Magneto-rheological Fluids.” International Journal of Modern Physics Part B. Vol. 19 No. 7-9, pp. 1374-1380.
- Wei Hu and N.M. Wereley (2005). “Magnetorheological Fluid and Elastomeric Lag Damper for Helicopter Stability Augmentation.” International Journal of Modern Physics Part B. Vol. 19, No. 7-9, pp. 1471-1477.
- Wei Hu and N.M. Wereley (2005). “Rate-Dependent Elasto-Slide Model for Single and Dual Frequency Magnetorheological Lag Damper Behavior.” International Journal of Modern Physics Part B. Vol. 19, No. 7-9, pp. 1527-1533.
- W.B. Facey, N.C. Rosenfeld, Y.-T. Choi, N.M. Wereley, S.B. Choi, and P.C. Chen (2005). “Design and Testing of a Compact Magnetorheological Impact Damper for High Impulsive Loads.” International Journal of Modern Physics Part B. Vol. 19, No. 7-9, pp. 1549-1555.
- J.-H. Yoo, and N.M. Wereley (2005). “Nondimensional Analysis of Annular Duct Flow in ER/MR Dampers.” International Journal of Modern Physics Part B. Vol. 19, No. 7-9, pp. 1577-1583.
- Y.-T. Choi and N.M. Wereley (2005). “Nondimensional quasisteady analysis of a magnetorheological dashpot damper.” International Journal of Modern Physics Part B, Vol. 19, No. 7-9, pp. 1584-1590.
- Y. M. Han, J. Y. Jung, S. B. Choi, Y. S. Jeon, Y. T. Choi and N. M. Wereley (2005). “Sliding Mode Control of ER Seat Suspension Considering Human Vibration Model.” International Journal of Modern Physics Part B. Vol. 19, No. 7-9, pp. 1689-1695.
- M. S. Cho, Y. I. Kim, S. B. Choi, Y. T. Choi and N. M. Wereley (2005). “Control Performance of Vehicle ABS Featuring ER Valve Pressure Modulator.” International Journal of Modern Physics Part B. Vol. 19, No. 7-9, pp. 1696-1702.
- S.R. Hong, S.B. Choi, Y.-T. Choi, and N.M. Wereley (2005) “A Hydro-Mechanical Model for Hysteretic Damping Force Prediction of ER Damper: Experimental Verification.” Journal of Sound and Vibration. Vol. 285, No. 4-5, August, pp. 1180-1188.
- Y.-T. Choi, J.-U. Cho, S.-B. Choi, and N. M. Wereley (2005). “Constitutive Models of Electrorheological and Magnetorheological Fluids using Viscometers.” Smart Materials and Structures. Vol. 14, No. 5, pp. 1025–1036.
- Y.-T. Choi, N.M. Wereley, and Y.-S. Jeon (2005). “Semi-active Vibration Isolation Using Magnetorheological Isolators.” AIAA Journal of Aircraft. Vol. 42, No. 5, Sept.-Oct., pp. 1244-1251.
- Y.-T. Choi, N.M. Wereley (2005). “Biodynamic Response Mitigation to Shock Loads Using Magnetorheological Helicopter Crew Seat Suspensions.” AIAA Journal of Aircraft. Vol. 42, No. 5, Sept.-Oct., pp. 1288-1295.
- S.-R. Hong, S.B. Choi, Y.-T. Choi, and N.M Wereley (2005). “Non-dimensional analysis and design of a magnetorheological damper.” Journal of Sound and Vibration. Vol. 288, No. 4-5, 20 December 2005, pp. 847-863.
- J.H. Yoo, J. Sirohi, and N.M. Wereley (2005). “A Magnetorheological Piezo Hydraulic Actuator.” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. Vol. 16, No. 11-12, Nov.-Dec., pp. 945-954.
- P. Poddar, J. L. Wilson, H. Srikanth, Y.-H. Yoo, N. M. Wereley, S. Kotha, L. Barghouty and R. Radhakrishnan (2004). “Nanocomposite Magneto-Rheological (MR) Fluids With Uniformly Dispersed Fe Nanoparticles,” Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 4, No. 1-2, January-February.
- N. Wereley, J. Lindler, N. Rosenfeld, and Y.-T. Choi (2004). “Biviscous Damping Behavior in Electrorheological Shock Absorbers.” Smart Materials and Structures. Vol. 13, No. 4, August, pp. 743-752.
- Y. Zhao, Y.-T. Choi, and N. M. Wereley (2004). “Semi-active Damping of Ground Resonance in Helicopters Using Magnetorheological Dampers.” Journal of the American Helicopter Society. Vol. 49, No. 4, October, pp. 468-482.
- J.-H. Yoo and N.M. Wereley (2004). “Performance of a Magnetorheological Hydraulic Power Actuation System,” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. Vol. 15, No. 11, November, pp. 847-858.
- N. Rosenfeld and N.M. Wereley (2004). “Volume-Constrained Optimization of Magnetorheological and Electrorheological Valves and Dampers.” Smart Materials and Structures. Vol. 13, No. 6, December, pp. 1303-1313.
- G. Wang and N.M. Wereley (2003). “Free Vibration Analysis of Rotating Blades With Uniform Tapers,” AIAA Journal. Vol. 42, No. 12, December, pp. 2429-2437.
- G. Hiemenz, Y.-T. Choi, and N.M. Wereley (2003). “Seismic Control of Civil Structures Utilizing Semi-Active MR Braces.” Journal of Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering. Vol. 18, No. 1, January, pp. 31–44.
- J. Lindler and N.M. Wereley (2003). “Quasi-steady Bingham-Plastic Analysis of an Electrorheological Flow Mode Bypass Damper with Piston Bleed.” Smart Materials and Structures. Vol. 12, No.3, pp. 305-317.
- G. Wang, N.M. Wereley, and D.-C. Chang (2003). “Analysis of plates with constrained layer damping using 2D plate modes.” AIAA Journal. Vol. 41, No. 5, pp. 924-932.
- Y.-T. Choi and N.M. Wereley (2003). “Vibration Control of a Landing Gear System Featuring Electrorheological / Magnetorheological Fluids.” AIAA Journal of Aircraft. Vol. 40, No. 3, pp. 432-439.
- D.-C. Chang, G. Wang, and N.M. Wereley (2003). “Analysis and Applications of the Extended Kantorovich-Krylov Method.” Applicable Analysis. Vol. 82, No. 7, July, pp. 713-740.
- S.R. Hong, S.B. Choi, Y.-T. Choi and N.M. Wereley (2003). “Comparison of Damping Force Models for an Electrorheological Fluid Damper.” International Journal of Vehicle Design. Vol. 33, Nos. 1/2/3, pp. 17-35.
- J. Lindler, Y.-T. Choi and N.M. Wereley (2003). “Double Adjustable Electorheological and Magnetorheological Shock Absorbers.” International Journal of Vehicle Design. Vol. 33, Nos. 1-3, pp. 189-206.
- S.R. Hong, S.B. Choi, Y.-T. Choi and N.M. Wereley (2003). “Nondimensional Analysis for Effective Design of Semi-Active Electrorheological Damping Systems,” IMechE Part D Journal of Automobile Engineering, Vol. 217, No. 12, pp. 1095–1106.
- L. Bitman, Y.-T. Choi, and N.M. Wereley (2002). “Electrorheological Damper Analysis Using an Eyring Constitutive Relationship.” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. Volume 13, No.10, pp. 633-640.
- G. Dimock, J.-H. Yoo, and N.M. Wereley (2002). “Bingham Biplastic Analysis of ER and MR Dampers.” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. Volume 13, No.9, September, pp. 549-560.
- D.-Y. Lee, and Y.-T. Choi, and N.M. Wereley (2002). “Performance Analysis of Smart Impact Damper System Using Herschel-Bulkley Model.” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. Volume 13, No. 7/8., July-August, pp. 525-532
- Y.-T. Choi and N.M. Wereley (2002). “Comparative Analysis of the Time Response of Electrorheological and Magnetorheological Dampers Using Nondimensional Parameters.” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. Volume 13, No. 7/8, July-August, pp. 443-452
- N. Rosenfeld, N.M. Wereley, R. Radhakrishnan and T.S. Sudarshan (2002). “Behavior of Magnetorheological Fluids Utilizing Nanopowder Iron,” International Journal of Modern Physics Part B. Volume 16, Numbers 17-18, pp. 2392-2398.
- D.-C. Chang, G. Wang, and N.M. Wereley (2002). “A generalized Kantorovich method and its application to free in-plane plate vibration problem.” International Journal of Applicable Analysis. Volume 80, Number 3, pp. 493-523.
- G. Wang and N.M. Wereley (2002). “Spectral Finite Element Analysis of Sandwich Beams with Passive Constrained layer Damping.” ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics. Volume 124, Number 3, July, pp. 376-386.
- G. Wang and N.M. Wereley (2002). “Free In-Plane Vibration of Plates.” AIAA Journal. Volume 40, Number 5, May, pp. 953-959.
- J.-H. Yoo and Norman M. Wereley (2002). “Design of a High-Efficiency Magnetorheological Valve.” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. Volume 13, No. 10, pp. 679-687.
- R. Snyder, G.M. Kamath, and N.M. Wereley (2001). “Characterization and Analysis of Magnetorheological Damper Behavior Under Sinusoidal Loading.” AIAA Journal, Vol. 39, No. 7, July 2001, pp. 1240-1253.
- J. Crassidis, A. Baz, and N.M. Wereley (2000). “H∞ control of active constrained layer damping.” Journal of Vibration and Control. Vol. 6, No. 1, January, pp. 113-136.
- G. Wang, S. Veeramani, and N.M. Wereley (2000). “Analysis of Sandwich Plates with Isotropic Face Plates and Viscoelastic Cores.” ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Vol. 122, No. 3, July, pp. 305-312.
- J. Lindler and N.M. Wereley (1999). “Analysis and Testing of Electrorheological Bypass Dampers.” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. Vol. 10, No. 5, May, pp. 363-376.
- G.M. Kamath, N.M. Wereley, and M.R. Jolly (1999). “Characterization of magnetorheological helicopter lag dampers.” Journal of the American Helicopter Society. Vol. 44, Number 3, July, pp. 234–248.
- N.M. Wereley, G.M. Kamath, V. Madhavan* (1999). “Hysteresis modeling of semi-active magnetorheological helicopter lag dampers.” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. Vol. 10, No. 8, August, 1999, pp. 624–633.
- G. Hiemenz and N.M. Wereley (1999). “Seismic Response of Civil Structures Utilizing Semi-active MR and ER Damping Systems.” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. Vol. 10, No. 8, August, 1999, pp. 646–656.
- J. Lindler and N.M. Wereley (1999). “Double Adjustable Shock Absorbers Using Electrorheological Fluids.” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. Vol. 10, No. 8, August, 1999, pp. 652–657.
- D.Y. Lee and N.M. Wereley (1999). “Quasi-steady Herschel-Bulkley Analysis of Electro- and Magneto-rheological Flow Mode Dampers.” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures.Vol. 10, No. 10, September, pp. 761–769.
- C.B. Smith and N.M. Wereley (1999). “Nonlinear damping identification from transient data.” AIAA Journal. Vol. 37, No. 12, December, pp. 1625-1632.
- N.M. Wereley and Li Pang (1998). “Nondimensional Analysis of Semi-Active Electrorheological and Magnetorheological Dampers Using Approximate Parallel Plate Models.” Smart Materials and Structures. Vol. 7, No. 5, pp. 732–743.
- N.M. Wereley, Li Pang, and G.M. Kamath* (1998). “Idealized Hysteresis Modeling of Electrorheological and Magnetorheological Dampers.” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. Vol. 9, No. 8, August, pp. 642–649.
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- C.B. Smith and N.M. Wereley (1996). “Transient Analysis for Damping Identification in Rotating Composite Beams With Integral Damping Layers.” Smart Materials and Structures. Vol. 5, No. 5, pp. 540–550.
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- B.K.S. Woods, C.S. Kothera, and N.M. Wereley (2016). “Fluidic Artificial Muscle Actuator and Swaging Process Therefor.” U.S. Patent 9,486,883. Filed: Nov. 12, 2012. Issued: November 8, 2016.
- G.J. Hiemenz and N.M. Wereley (2015). “Failsafe Magnetorheological (MR) Energy Absorber.” U.S. Patent 9,109,654. Filed: June 12, 2013. Issued: August 18, 2015.
- B.K.S. Woods, N.M. Wereley, C.S. Kothera, and S.M. Boyer (2014). “Extensile Fluidic Muscle Actuator.” U.S. Patent 8,904,919. Filed: Nov. 29, 2010. Issued: Dec. 9, 2014.
- C.S. Kothera, N.M. Wereley, and B.K.S. Woods (2013). “Fluidic Artificial Muscle Actuation Systems for Trailing Edge Flap.” U.S. Patent 8,573,534. Filed: Apr. 29, 2011. Issued: Nov. 5, 2013.
- G.J. Hiemenz, W. Hu, G. Ngatu, and N.M. Wereley (2013). “Rotary Vane Magnetorheological (MR) Energy Absorber.” U.S. Patent 8,424,656. April 23, 2013.
- N.M. Wereley, W. Hu, C.S. Kothera, and P.C. Chen (2013). “Magnetorheological Fluid Elastic Lag Damper for Helicopter Rotors.” U.S. Patent 8,413,772. April 9, 2013.
- G.J. Hiemenz, C.S. Kothera, and N.M. Wereley (2013). “Adaptive Energy Absorption System for a Vehicle Seat.” U.S. Patent 8,401,740. March 19, 2013.
- G. Wang, N.M. Wereley, G.J. Hiemenz, and Y.-T. Choi (2012). “Constant Force Control Methodology For Shock Absorption.” U.S. Patent 8,311,705. Filed: Aug. 30, 2010. Issued: Nov. 13, 2012.
- B.K.S. Woods, C.S. Kothera, and N.M. Wereley (2012). “Fluidic Artificial Muscle Actuator and Swaging Process Therefor.” U.S. Patent 8,307,753. Filed: Jun. 11, 2009. Issued: Nov. 13, 2012.
- A.S. Purekar, N.M. Wereley, and P.C. Chen (2012). “Corrosion Inspection and Monitoring System.” U.S. Patent 8,285,495. Filed: Apr. 29, 2010. Issued: Oct. 9, 2012.
- N.M. Wereley, W. Hu, E.B. Cook, and A.L. Browne (2011). “System and Method for Magnetorheological Damping Utilizing Porous Media.” U.S. Patent 7,874,407B2. January 25, 2011
- G.J. Hiemenz, N.M. Wereley, W. Hu, and P.C. Chen (2011). “Adaptive Energy Absorption System for a Vehicle Seat.” U.S. Patent 7,878,312. February 1, 2011.
- A.L. Browne, J.C. Ulicny, C.S. Namaduri, N.L. Johnson, N.M. Wereley, Y.-T. Choi, W. Hu, and M. Mao* (2011). “Bi-Fold Valve-Type Magnetorheological Fluid Energy Absorbing Device.” U.S. Patent 7,900,755 B2. March 8, 2011.
- N.M. Wereley, G.J. Hiemenz*, W. Hu, G. Wang, and P.C. Chen (2011). “Adaptive Energy Absorption System for a Vehicle Seat.” U.S. Patent 7,921,973. Filed: Feb. 2, 2007. Published: Apr. 12, 2011.
- A.L. Browne, N.L. Johnson, N.M. Wereley, Y.T. Choi, W. Hu, and M. Mao* (2011). “Method Of Designing Magnetorheological Fluid Energy Absorbing Device Using Hydromechanical Analysis.” U.S. Patent 7,930,150 B2. Filed: Jan. 4, 2008. Published: April 19, 2011.
- C.S. Kothera, B.K.S Woods*, N.M. Wereley, P.C. Chen, E.A. Bubert* (2011). “Cellular Support Structures for Controlled Actuation of Fluid Contact Surfaces.” U.S. Patent 7,931,240. Filed: Feb. 16, 2007. Published: April 26, 2011.
- N.M. Wereley, G.J. Hiemenz*, W. Hu, Y.-T. Choi, G. Wang, and P.C. Chen (2010). “Adaptive Energy Absorption System for a Vehicle Seat.” U.S. Patent 7,822,522. October 26, 2010.
- C.S. Kothera, B.K.S. Woods*, J. Sirohi, N.M. Wereley, and P.C. Chen (2010). “Fluid-Driven Artificial Muscles as Mechanisms for Controlled Actuation.” U.S. Patent 7,837,144. November 23, 2010.
- R. Radhakrishnan, S. Kotha, T.S. Sudarshan, and N.M. Wereley (2006). “Method and Airbag Inflation Apparatus Employing Magnetic Fluid.” U.S. Patent 7,007,972. March 7, 2006.
- Peter C. Chen and Norman M. Wereley (2003). “Magnetorheological Damper and Energy Dissipation Method.” U.S. Patent 6,694,856. July 2003.
The Clark School Celebrates the Legacy and Impact of Black Engineers
At the A. James Clark School of Engineering, we honor the contributions of Black engineering trailblazers, whose accomplishments improve our society through innovation and leadership.Wereley, Choi Honored with Outstanding Technical Paper Award at CAMX 2024
Composites and Advanced Materials Expo honors exceptional research from students, engineers, and industry professionals that drive the future of composites innovation.Aerospace Undergrad Takes First in SAMPE Regional Poster Competition
Sophomore Jack Szyprowski took the top spot at the SAMPE Regional Additive Manufacturing Symposium at Rowan University.From Composites to Competition: Grad Student Wins at Dance Championship
Colleen Murray wins in team category, takes third in solo, at the 2024 North American Irish Dance Championships.Two UMD Students Win Spots in SAMPE University Research Symposium
Undergraduates Christopher Clark and Grace Johnson will present their work at SAMPE’s 2024 Composites and Advanced Materials Expo.Seven Maryland Students Receive Vertical Flight Foundation Scholarships
Awards recognize the world’s most talented engineering students interested in vertical flight.Three UMD Students Receive SAMPE Leadership Awards
Awards support networking and career opportunities in the materials and process engineering community.Colleen Murray Wins Award at Regional SAMPE Symposium
Grad student’s collaborative work explored ways to improve the mechanical properties of additively manufactured lattices.Two UMD Teams Take Top Spots in SAMPE Bridge Contest
International competition challenges students to design, build, and test a miniature structural bridge using composite materials.Seven UMD Students Receive Vertical Flight Foundation Scholarships
UMD students represent a third of total 2023 VFF Scholarship recipients.Aerospace Engineering Grad Student Wins SPIE Student Paper Award
Ph.D. student Frank Cianciarulo takes second in SPIE’s Craig F. Bohren Best Student Presentation Awards.NAWCAD-UMD Seed Grant Review and Discussion strengthens collaboration commitment
The event emphasized research, advanced education, and outreach collaborations for the region, the state of Maryland and the nation.Garbulinski Receives USMSC GSG Outstanding Student Leader Award
University System of Maryland Student Council award recognizes students for leadership and civic engagement.Celebrating Women in Aerospace Engineering: Sylvie DeLaHunt
A senior engineer and supervisor at JHUAPL, DeLaHunt has also won awards for her advocacy of greater diversity and inclusion.Celebrating Black Aerospace Engineers: Louise Ami Ahure Powell ('06, M.S. '09, Ph.D. '14)
NIST staff scientist and engineer Ahure Powell built a successful engineering career on the pillars of family, leadership and challenges.Wereley Elected Royal Aeronautical Society Fellow
RAeS recognizes Wereley for contributions to the advancement of adaptive structures and materials for aerospace applications.Wereley Steps Down as Aero Chair
Professor has led the department during an era of firsts.Jacek Garbulinski Awarded 2021 Alex Brown Scholarship
Scholarship recognizes innovative research practices, visionary leadership and impressive effort in academic pursuits.Softer, More Resilient Robots
UMD research on bio-inspired robotics makes the cover of a special issue of Actuators.UMD Team Honored for First Organ Transplant by Drone
History-making flight wins Golden Hour Award from Helicopter Association International.Anderson Awarded AIAA 2021 Summerfield Book Award
Award recognizes Hypersonic and High-Temperature Gas Dynamics, Third Edition as the best book published within the last five years.Paley, Wereley edit new Springer book on soft robotics
Bioinspired Sensing, Actuation, and Control in Underwater Soft Robotic Systems is a comprehensive snapshot of the latest advances.American Helicopter Museum Honors UMD Organ Flight
Aerospace engineering department nets a second Achievement Award.Langford Establishes Scholarship in Honor of President Pines
Aerospace entrepreneur’s gift aims to inspire future engineers.History-Making Organ Flight Honored with Industry Award
AUVSI’s XCELLENCE Awards Announced; UMD Wins in Humanitarian/Public Safety CategoryEngineering Robotic Starfish
Echinoderm-inspired robots could perform many difficult, dangerous tasks.UMD names Derek Paley as a 2020–2021 Distinguished Scholar-Teacher
The program recognizes faculty members who have demonstrated outstanding scholarly achievement along with equally outstanding accomplishments as teachers.Dr. Aileen Hentz Receives Clark School of Engineering’s 2019-20 Student Advising Award
Aerospace Engineering’s Program Director of Student Services recognized for staff excellence in student services.Nine UMD Students Awarded 2020 Vertical Flight Foundation Scholarships
Aerospace Engineering students receive nine out of 29 awarded Vertical Flight Foundation Scholarships.Student 3D Prints Personal Protective Equipment for Area Hospitals
Quinn Kupec’s efforts featured on North Dakota news outlet KVRR.Three Aerospace Engineering Students Receive ASPIRE Awards
Rachel Harvey, Ben Stutzke, and Vivik Uppoor receive awards to support undergraduate research.UAS Test Site Receives Achievement Award from the American Helicopter Museum & Education Center
Award recognizes a significant impact to furthering vertical flight.UMD Research Featured in Aerospace America
Dr. Norman Wereley and undergraduate researchers devise a wing section similar to a fish’s skeleton.University of Maryland hosts AIAA Region 1 Student Conference
UMD students win four out nine awards.UMD Transplant Organ Flight Named Invention of the Year
The Technical.ly Awards honored an history-making drone flight that helped save the life of a kidney patient.Special Delivery
To build an unmanned aerial vehicle worthy of a groundbreaking three-mile flight on the night of April 19, a team of UMD engineers worked over the course of two and a half years.Aerospace Graduate's Gift Elevates Teacher's Legacy
Out of gratitude to his mentor, Jim Rand has made a generous gift to the Clark School in support of the Robert M. Rivello Scholarship.Clark School Aerospace Engineering Faculty Recognized by AIAA National Capital Section
Three faculty receive AIAA NCS awards for their outstanding contributions to research and education.A Fearless Flight
Maryland tests demonstrate how human organs can be transported safely by drones.McCullum Earns SMART Scholarship
Service program offers college students the opportunity to receive a full scholarship and be employed by DOD after completing their degrees.Brin Family Prize Celebrates Student Innovation
Three teams win prize money for drone projects.Brin Family Prize to Support Excellence in Drone-Related Activity
Contest aims to inspire students, faculty and staff engaged in research, competitions and activities involving drones at the University of Maryland.UMD Opens Outdoor Flight Laboratory to Advance Autonomy, Robotics
First university facility of its kind in D.C.-Maryland-Virginia region.Aerospace Engineering Student Wins NDSEG Fellowship
Senior Patrick Washington Receives National Defense Science & Engineering Graduate FellowshipNew Class Inducted into Order of the Engineer
Clark School students make a commitment to integrity and responsibility in the engineering profession.Four Aerospace Students Receive Society of Satellite Professionals International Scholarships
Frizzell, Kaptui Sipowa, McCullum and Shannon receive awards to support research efforts.Paley is Principal Investigator for $2M 'SEA-STAR' grant
Researchers will create soft underwater robot appendages that mimic functionality found in sea stars; Werley is a co-PI.Wereley Receives UMD Office of Community Engagement “Making a Difference” Award
Aerospace Engineering Department Chair recognized for community outreach and engagement.UMD Faculty, Student and Alumni Receive 2016 ASME Ephrahim Garcia Best Paper Award
Wang, Wereley and Pillsbury recognized for work in the field of soft actuators and pneumatic artificial muscles.Magnetorheological fluids (MRFs) Research Highlighted Cover of Smart Materials and Structures
Choi, Wereley and Xie explore sedimentation of MRFs in a vertical column.DeLaHunt and Fievisohn Win Department Graduate Student Research Award Competition
Aerospace engineering students Robert Fievisohn and Sylvie DeLaHunt win department's 2016 Graduate Student Research Competition.Sherman Named 2016 Alex Brown Leadership Award Recipient
Aerospace engineering Ph.D. student Stephen Sherman receives 2016 Alex Brown Leadership Award.Hubbard Elected to the National Academy of Engineering
Joins 23 other Clark-affiliated facultyCadou Named ASME Fellow
Associate Professor Christopher Cadou Named Fellow of American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)Hubbard Named SPIE 2016 Smart Structures and Materials Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient
Aerospace Engineering Professor recognized for contributions to the field of smart structures and materials.Chambers Awarded STLE Scholarship
Grad student Jonathan Chambers received a Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers, Philadelphia Chapter scholarship.Huan Xu to become tenure-track assistant professor
Xu’s research interests lie in control and dynamical systems and formal methods with applications in autonomy, cyberphysical systems, and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).Wereley Awarded 2015 AIAA NCS Marvin C. Demler Award
Aerospace Engineering Department Chair Norman Wereley recognized for his commitment to supporting and forwarding the AIAA National Capital Section.Lankford Awarded ARCS Scholarship
Aerospace engineering grad student receives 2015-2016 Achievement Rewards for College Scientists Foundation (ARCS) ScholarshipWereley Named AHS Technical Fellow
American Helicopter Society promotes Department of Aerospace Engineering Chair Norman M. Wereley to AHS Technical Fellow.Mechanical Engineering Clinches 2015 Alumni Cup Title
Student teams conquer light bulb challenge at 4th annual competition.Aerospace Engineering Faculty Honored at University Celebration of Scholarship and Research
15 Aerospace Engineering faculty were recognized for their research and scholarly achievements.Shrestha and DeVries Win 2014 Graduate Student Research Awards Competition
Elena Shrestha and Levi DeVries win Department of Aerospace Engineering Graduate Student Research Awards Competition.Aerospace Engineering Student Named ARCS Scholar
Bernadette Cannon was selected as the ARCS 2014-2015 Wanda M. Austin Undergraduate Scholar.Wereley Elected SPIE Fellow
Department of Aerospace Engineering Chair Dr. Norman Wereley elected International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE) Fellow.Aerospace Faculty Recognized at 15th Annual Research Leaders Luncheon
15 Department of Aerospace Engineering's faculty honored for successful research funding efforts.Wereley Lead Editor and Contributor for New Book on Magnetorheological Fluids
Magnetorheology: Advances and Applications published by the Royal Society of Chemistry as part of their series on smart materials.Becnel Awarded Inaugural Alex Brown Leadership Award
Aerospace Engineering grad student Andrew Becnel to receive Alex Brown Leadership Award.Aerospace Alumnus Selected as Aviation Week's "Twenty20s"
Kenneth 'Kip' Hart selected as one of Aviation Week's “Tomorrow’s Engineering Leaders: The Twenty20s."Singh Awarded Kalpana Chawla Scholarship
Aerospace Engineering graduate student awarded scholarship from the American Society for Engineers of Indian Origin.UMD Team Wins AHS Student Design Competition
Graduate student team takes top spot in the 30th Annual American Helicopter Society Design Competition.Fourney Selected to Receive 2014 Frocht Award
Associate dean and Keystone professor to be honored with Society for Experimental Mechanics award.Aerospace Represented Among Wylie Dissertation Fellows
Harinder Singh is a 2013-2014 Recipient of the Wylie FellowshipSchlueter and Sherman Awarded 2013 NDSEG Fellowship
Kristy Schlueter and Stephen Sherman are the Newest U-Md. NDSEG FellowsDeLaHunt wins WAI's Delta Air Lines Engineering Scholarship
Sylvie was awarded this $5,000 scholarship by Women in Aviation International (WAI).Flatau Awarded ASME Adaptive Structures and Materials Systems Prize
Clark School Associate Dean of Research honored for scholarship and engineering excellence2011 ASME Best Paper Award to Drs. Woods, Kothera and Wereley
Drs. Woods, Kothera, and Wereley won Best Paper the ASME Conference, 3/13/12Wereley to Chair Department of Aerospace Engineering
Techno-Sciences Professor of Aerospace Engineering Norman Wereley to assume post on April 15.Wereley and Hubbard AIAA Fellows
James Hubbard and Norman Wereley will be honored as AIAA Fellows in MayProf. Wereley to be Awarded ASME Adaptive Structures and Material Systems Prize
Wereley Recognized for Contributions to Theory and Application of Semi-active Magnetorheological DampersErica Hocking Awarded NDSEG Fellowship
Congratulations to Erica Hocking for receiving the NDSEG Fellowship!AE Faculty Honored at Research Leaders Luncheon
10 AE Faculty Represent Department at Research Leaders LuncheonSAMPE Bestows 2011 Jerry Bauer Award on Andrew Becnel
Becnel Receives Bauer Award, Will Travel to Tokyo to Present ResearchActive Crash Protection System Team Wins 2011 AHS Jensen Award
The Boeing-led Rotorcraft ACPS Team is Awarded the 2011 Harry T. Jensen Award by AHSCORE Lab Wins at 2011 SAMPE Regional Student Symposium
On Feb. 9th Aerospace Students Were Recognized at the 2011 Washington Regional SAMPE Symposium.UMD and Techno-Sciences Inc. Awarded US Patent
UMD and Techno-Sciences Inc. Awarded US Patent for Aerodynamic Control Surface Actuation Systems for Helicopter RotorsAndrew Becnel Awarded NDSEG Fellowship
Andrew Becnel has been Awarded a Prestigious National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship!Professor Wereley honored with AIAA Sustained Service Award
Professor Wereley honored with AIAA Sustained Service AwardUMCP Techno-Sciences Researchers Awarded US Patent
Team of University of Maryland and Techno-Sciences Inc. Researchers Awarded US PatentAerospace Engineering Students Finalists at 2010 SMASIS Conference
Aero students are finalists at the 2010 Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems Conference in PhiladelphiaRotorcraft Students Swoop in on First Place at AHS
Rotorcraft Students Win First Place at 2010 AHS Design CompetitionWereley Receives Engineer of the Year Award
Dr. Norman Werley Recognized by AIAALouise Ahuré Wins SAMPE Paper Competition
Ahuré Earns First Place in SAMPE PresentationAE Students Sweep Composite Wing Competition at SAMPE '09
Two individual and two AE student project teams place in the top six.Two Seniors Receive Anderson Scholarship
The John D. Anderson Scholarship in Aerospace Engineering Awarded to McNerney & Woodside.SAMPE Lightweight Aircraft Wing Competition Garners Top Prizes
Four Clark School Aerospace Teams Place in Top SixInaugural Anderson Scholarship Awarded to Kirk
Madeline Kirk announced as first recipient of Anderson Scholarship in Aerospace EngineeringArmy CTA MAST Center on "Microsystem Mechanics" is awarded
AE and Clark School is awarded Army CTA MAST Center on "Microsystem Mechanics"Clark School Leads NASA Project
Aerospace Chair Darryll Pines to lead $7.8M/year research project, 20 universities involved.Aero Researcher Recognized by AIAA
Wang selected as 2006 AIAA National Capital Section Young Engineer/Scientist.American Helicopter Society (AHS)
Other professional society fellows
- International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE)
Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS)
Institute of Physics (IOP)
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
- Fellow