Otte, Michael
Maryland Robotics Center
The Institute for Systems Research
Assistant Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering
Affiliate Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science
Member, Maryland Robotics Center
Director, Motion and Teaming Lab
My website http://www.ottelab.com contains more information regarding my research, publications, student recruiting policies, etc.
- B.S. '05 in Aeronautical engineering and Computer Science from Clarkson University
- M.S. '07 Computer Science, Univeristy of Colorado at Boulder
- Ph.D. '11 Comp. Sci., Univeristy of Colorado at Boulder
- Postdoc '14
Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems (LIDS), Massachusetts Institute of Technology
My interests include motion planning for single and multi-agent systems and distributed algorithms that enable robotic teams and/or swarms to pool resources in order to solve their common problems. I am particularly interested in applications where the environment is hazardous and/or changing and communication is unreliable. My work involves elements of planning, control, robotics, multi-agent systems, distributed systems, graph theory, computational geometry, machine learning, artificial intelligence, emergent behavior, and stochastic processes.
Motion Planning for Autonomous Systems. ENAE788V. Spring Terms.
Aircraft Flight Dynamics. ENAE403. Fall Terms.
A detailed and up to date list of publications appears on my website: http://www.ottelab.com